People Organisations and Work Institute Publications

HRM, Skills and Performance

Lloyd, C. and Payne, J. (2018) ‘Hard times in latte land: analysing pay and working time in the café industry in France, Norway and the UK’, Economic and Industrial Democracy, online first,

Payne, J. (2018) ‘LE(a)P in the dark? Devolution, local skills strategies and inclusive growth in England’, Journal of Education and Work, 31(5-6): 489-502.

Lloyd, C. And Payne, J. (2017) Licensed to skill? The impact of occupational regulation on fitness instructors, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 24(1), 91-108.

Lloyd, C. and Payne, J. (2016) Skills in the Age of Over-Qualification: Comparing Service Sector Work in Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sancak, M Developing skills in developing countries. The case of auto parts suppliers in Mexico and Turkey. Oxford University Press (forthcoming)

Sancak M. (2019)  Artisan politics of skills in middle-income countries: Insiders, outsiders and the vocational education system of Turkey, Competition and Change, 24, 3-4, 291-314.

Sancak M and Ozel I (2018) When politics gets in the way: domestic coalitions and the making of skill systems, Review of International Political Economy, 25, 3, 340-363

International and comparative research on HRM and political economy

Lloyd, C. and Payne, J. (forthcoming) ‘Food for thought: Robots, jobs and skills in food and drink processing in Norway and the UK, New Technology, Work and Employment

Lloyd, C. and Payne, J. (2021) ‘Fewer jobs, better jobs? An international comparative study of robots and ‘routine’ work in the public sector’, Industrial Relations Journal, 52: 109-124.

Lloyd, C. and Payne, J. (2019) ‘Rethinking country effects: robots, AI and work futures in Norway and the UK, New Technology, Work and Employment, 34(3): 208-225.

Lloyd, C. and Payne, J. (2019) ‘Robots, AI and Work: Comparing the UK and Norway’, British Academy Review, No. 36, December.

Lloyd, C. And Payne, J. (2017) Licensed to skill? The impact of occupational regulation on fitness instructors, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 24(1), 91-108.

Lloyd, C. and Payne, J. (2016) Skills in the Age of Over-Qualification: Comparing Service Sector Work in Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chytiri, Alexandra-Paraskevi and Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Chytiris, Leonidas (2018) Hotel Recruitment and Selection Practices: The Case of the Greek Hotel Industry. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 7(3): 324-339

Leadership, cross-cultural studies, organisational theory and research philosophy

Liedong, T. A., Peprah, A. A., & Eyong, J. E. (2020). Institutional voids and innovation governance: A conceptual exposition of the open versus closed architecture choice. Strategic Change, 29(1), 57-66. 

Eyong, J. E. (2019). Leadership for high performance in local councils in Cameroon and Nigeria: Examining deviant and concordant practices to the philosophy of Ubuntu. Africa Journal of Management, 5(2), 138-161. 

Eyong, (2017) Indigenous African Leadership: Key differences from Anglo-Saxon Writings, Leadership, Vol. 13(2) 133–153 London, Sage.   

Eyong, J.E. (2017). Leadership in Cameroon and Nigeria: The Quest for Appreciable, Effective and Sustainable Leadership through Leadership Development Uongozi Institute, Tanzania archives. 

Eyong, J.E. (2016) Leadership Development in the African Context: A literature and contextual review, HAUS, Finland archives. 

Roe, K (2020) Leadership,  Practice and Perspectives, (3rd edition), OUP

Worker voice, equality and diversity

Butler, P. and Tregaskis O (2018) Distributed leadership and employee cynicism: Trade unions as joint change agents. Human Resource Management Journal, 28,4, 540-554

Butler, P. Lavelle, J. Gunnigle, P.and O’Sullivan, M. (2018) ‘Skating on thin ICE: A critical evaluation of a decade of research on the British Information and Consultation Regulations’. Economic and Industrial Democracy., 39,1, 173-190

Butler, P. and Tregaskis, 0. (2015)  Workplace partnership and legitimacy: a multi-layered analysis of the shop steward experience. Work Employment & Society December 2015 vol. 29 no. 6 895-911 

Glover, L. Tregaskis, O. and Butler, P. (2014) Mutual gains? The workers’ verdict: A longitudinal case study, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25, 895-914. 

Butler, P. Tregaskis, O. and Glover, L. (2013) ‘Workplace partnership and employee involvement –contradictions and synergies: Evidence from a heavy engineering case study, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34.1.5-24.

Tregaskis, O. Daniels, K. Glover, L. Butler, P. and Meyer, M. (2013) High performance work practices and firm performance: A longitudinal case study, British Journal of Management, 5. 225-244.

Butler, P. Glover, L. and Tregaskis, O. (2011) ‘When the going gets tough…: recession and the resilience of workplace partnership’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 49, 4, 666-

Inclusive economies, ‘decent work’, ethics, fairness and sustainability

Ambituuni, A., Ejiogu, C., Ejiogu, A. and Omar, M. (2019) Operational dilemmas in safety-critical industries: the tension between organizational reputational concerns and the effective communication of risk. Journal of Management & Organization, First Online, 1-18 DOI:   

Black, N. and Stokes, P., 2021. Corporate Governance Ideology, Human Resource Practices and Senior Staff Salaries. In Beyond Human Resources-Research Paths Towards a New Understanding of Workforce Management Within Organizations. IntechOpen.

 (2020), "Compensating employees in micro-sized social enterprises with innovative HR practices", , Vol. 43 No. 2, pp. 496-506. 

Black, N & Erturk, I 2018, Financialised Capitalism and Inequality: shareholder value-driven firms, marketised household balance sheets and bubbly financial markets. in S Fadda & P Tridico (eds), Inequality and Uneven Development in the Post-Crisis World., 7, Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics, Routledge, pp. 127-144. 

Butler P and Hammer A (2020) Pay progression in routinised service sector work: Navigating the internal labour market in a fast food MNC, Industrial Relations Journal, 51(4)351-357.

Butler, P, and Hamer, A. (2020) HR practice in a fast food MNC: Exploring the low discretion, high commitment phenomenon, International Journal of Human Resource Management. . Doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2020.175123

Butler P and Hammer A (2018) ‘A minute’s a life-time in fast-food!’: Managerial Job quality in the quick service restaurant sector, Work, Employment and Society, 33,1, 96-111 

Ejiogu, C. (2020). “Restrictions and Resistance In The Postcolonial Periphery: Labour Power And Skilled Migrant Workers In The United Kingdom”. In Hammer, A. and Fishwick, A. (eds.) The Political Economy of Work in the Global South: Reflections on Labour Process Theory. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Series. Basingstoke: Macmillan International Higher Education (Accepted/In Press). 

Ejiogu, A., Okechukwu, O., Ejiogu, C., (2020) Nigerian Budgetary Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Shrinking Fiscal Space: Financial Sustainability, Employment, Social Inequality and Business Implications. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 

Ejiogu C.J, Ejiogu A.R, and Asiyanbi A.P (2020) Sustainable Human Resource Management in the Context of Sustainable Tourism and Sustainable Development in Africa: Problems and Prospects. In: Baum T. and Ndiuini A. (eds) Sustainable Human Resource Management in Tourism: African Perspectives. Cham: Springer. DOI: 

Ejiogu, A., Ejiogu, C. and Ambituuni, A. (2020) Corruption Fights Back: Localizing Transparency and EITI in the Nigerian Penkelemes Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, 

Ejiogu, A., Okechukwu, O., Ejiogu, C., Owusu, A. and Adeola, O. (2019) Determinants of Informal Entrepreneurship in Africa. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Accepted/In Press) https://www.dora.dmu.ac.uk/handle/2086/17749

Ambituuni, A., Ejiogu, C., Ejiogu, A. and Omar, M. (2019) Operational dilemmas in safety-critical industries: the tension between organizational reputational concerns and the effective communication of risk. Journal of Management & Organization, First Online, 1-18 DOI:   

Ejiogu, A., Ejiogu, C. and Ambituuni, A. (2019). The dark side of transparency: Does the Nigeria extractive industries transparency initiative help or hinder accountability and corruption control?, British Accounting Review, 51(5), 1-17, DOI:  

Ejiogu, A., and Ejiogu, C. (2018). Translation in the “contact zone” between accounting and human resource management: The nebulous idea of humans as assets and resources, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 31(7), 1932-1956DOI: 

Ejiogu, A., Ambituuni, A. and Ejiogu, C. (2018). Accounting for Accounting’s Role in the Neoliberalisation Processes of Social Housing in England: A Bourdieusian Perspective, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, DOI: 

Ejiogu, C. (2018). “Precariousness in Unlikely Places: The Role of High-Skilled Migrant Worker Networks in Resisting and Reproducing Precarity”. In Fedyuk, O. and Stewart, P. (eds.)

Ejiogu, C.J., Ozoh, C.E. and Ejiogu, C.A. (2013). “Integrating Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Context of a Global Financial Crisis: Enabling Sustainability through Executive Remuneration and Reward Strategy”. In Okram, B. (ed.) Corporate Goals and Responsibilities: Economic, Social and Human Rights. Dudweiler Landstr: Lambert Academic Publishing.

Ejiogu, C. (2013). “Business, Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Global Financial Crisis: The Global Challenge of Embedding Human Rights in Organizations and Human Resource Management Practices”. In Okram, B. (ed.) Corporate Goals and Responsibilities: Economic, Social and Human Rights. Dudweiler Landstr: Lambert Academic Publishing.

Ejiogu, C., Adejumo, O. and Szczygiel, A. (2013). Social Networks, Social Media and Dispersed Leadership: Critical Perspectives on Emergent Leadership in African Networks and Social Movements, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 15(4), 206-241. 

Lloyd, C. and Payne, J. (2014) ‘It’s all hands-on even for management’: Managerial work in the UK cafe sector, Human Relations, 67, 4, 465-488.

Lloyd, C. and Payne, J. (2012) ‘Flat whites – who gets progression in the UK café sector?’, Industrial Relations Journal, 43, 1, 38-52.

Work and development in the global south

Oruh, E. S., Mordi, C, Dibia, C. H., & Ajonbadi, H. A. (2021), “Exploring Compassionate Managerial Leadership Style in Reducing Employee Stress During Covid-19 Crisis: The Case of Nigeria”, Employee Relations, Forthcoming (accepted for publication).

Dibia, C. H., Oruh, E. S., Osibanjo, O. A., & Ojebola, O. (2021). Organizational Stress: A Critical Review from Nigeria. In K. A. Sharma, C. L. Cooper, & D. M. Pestonjee (Eds.), Organizational Stress Around the World (1st ed., pp.145-166). New York: Routledge

Oruh, E. S., & Dibia, C. H. (2020), “Employee stress and the implication of high-power distance culture: empirical evidence from Nigeria's employment terrain”, Employee RelationsVol. 42 No. 6, pp.1381-1400. 


Hammer A and Fishwick A. (2020) The Political Economy of Work in the Global South: Reflections on Labour Process Theory, Macmillan