Professor Rachel Granger

Job: Professor Urban Economies

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Address: LeC: HU 6.78

T: 0116 250 6193

E: rachel.granger@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Rachel joined Leicester Castle Business School in 2016. Specialising in urban economies, her main interests are in the economic growth of creative cities, smart cities, and new sharing models.  Rachel is especially interested in the role of networks in developing knowledge transfer and innovation in cities, new business models and spaces for promoting creative and digital industries, and the role of cities as a catalyst for creative, knowledge, and smart industrial growth.

Rachel has worked previously with Creative Scotland, the Western Ireland Development Commission, Province of British Columbia, individual theatre companies, regional development agencies, and several London boroughs to examine value impacts of creative and digital sectors, creative workers, and value chains. Rachel’s work on developing new techniques in ‘spatial-relational mapping’ of creative industries has led to new economic approaches and software development, using data sourcing (https://FLOKK.online, http://leicestercitizensensor.online) whilst her current work on innovation has supportyed Leicesterhire's work on MIT REAP and its Innovation Board, developing sustainable models for textiles restructuring, and harnessing the growth potential from design industries. 


Rachel works closely with Leicester’s Cultural Quarter and Leicester City Council, the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership, leads on the Leicester Urban Innovation Lab  (http://leicester-lab.co.uk) and is a founding member of InnoHouse, Leicester's community of innovators  (http://innohouse.co.uk). She is a board member on several creative and economic projects in the East and West Midlands, and holds several editorial and academic positions on journals, research councils, and research networks. Rachel is Research Director for Creative and Heritage Industries at ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ, site director for the Midlands 4 Cities DTP, co-leader for Leicester's Civic University Agreement (Business and Economy)m and sits on the ACE Talent 25 Board. Rachel is affilitated to the Local Governance Research Centre at ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ (/research/centres-institutes/lgrc/index.aspx), as well as the Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (/research/centres-institutes/cura/index.aspx).  

Rachel welcomes PhD enquiries in the following areas:

  • Creative and Smart Cities
  • Cultural Value and Hidden Cultures of Cities 
  • Economic and Social Impact of Cultural and Creative Industries
  • Knowledge Transfer and Innovation, including Quintuple Helix and Creative Hubs
  • Urban Innovation and Learning Labs in Disruption
  • Urban Regeneration


Research group affiliations

¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ - Creative and Heritage Industries 

Local Governance Research Centre (LGRC)

Centre for Urban Austerity (CURA)

Centre for Enterprise and Innovation (CEI)

Publications and outputs

Granger, R.C. (2021) Creative Splintering and the Creative Lifecycle in Leicester, in Hracs, B. J., T. Brydges, T. Haisch, A. Hauge, J. Jansson and J. Sjöholm (eds) Culture, Creativity and Economy: Collaborative practices, value creation and spaces of creativity. London, Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Culture-Creativity-and-Economy-Collaborative-Practices-Value-Creation/Hracs-Brydges-Haisch-Hauge-Jansson-Sjoholm/p/book/9781032053271

Granger, R. (2021) The Expansive Creative City as Dynamic Post-Covid Recovery, in ABACO, Carlos III University of Madrid, https://revista-abaco.es/proyecto-editorial/

Granger, R.C. and Charlton, M. (2020) Redefining City Governance: Towards Rapid Response Open Planning, Town Planning Review, 92(1), pp1-7,  https://doi.org/10.3828/tpr.2020.39

Granger, R. (2020) Creative Business in Urban Society, Research Connections. ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ: LCBS

Granger, R.C. (2020) Innovation Explained. InnoHouse. Leicester.


Granger, R.C. (2020) (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Negotiating Innovation and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 978-3-030-37034-3

Granger, R.C. (2020) Exploring Value in the Creative and Cultural Industries, in (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Negotiating Innovation and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, pp3-18 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37035-0_1

Parsons, L. and Granger, R.C. (2020) Problematising Hidden Culture, in Granger, R.C. (2020) (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Negotiating Innovation and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, 19-43 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37035-0_2

Granger, R.C. (2020) Co-creative Third Space, Maker Space and Micro Industrial Districts, in (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Negotiating Innovation and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, pp151-176 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37035-0_8

Granger, R.C. (2020) The Hidden Value of Local Networks and Underground Spaces, in (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Negotiating Innovation and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, pp217-242 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37035-0_11

Garcia Carrizo, J. and Granger, R.C. (2020) Cultural and Creative Districts as Spaces for Value Change, in Granger, R.C. (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Negotiating Innovation and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, pp177-198 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37035-0_9

Granger, R.C. (2020) Value Constructs for the Creative Economy, in (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Negotiating Innovation and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, pp265-277 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37035-0_13

Granger, R.C. (2020) Innovation Explained. InnoHouse. Leicester. http://innohouse.co.uk

Eatmon, T.D. , Granger, R.C. Abrantes, B.F. and Forsberg, C. (2020) The Entrepreneurial Dimensions of Transnational Education, in Daniel, A., Teixeira, A. and Preto, M. (eds) Examining the Role of Entrepreneurial Universities in Regional Development. IGO Global, pp172-182 10.4018/978-1-7998-0174-0.ch009

Granger, R.C. (2019) Urban Regional Regeneration, in Orum, A. (ed) Wiley Companion of Urban and Regional Studies. John Wiley and Sons. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118568446.eurs0390

Granger, R.C. (2018) Rapid Scoping Study for Leicester Drama School, for Curve Theatre. Leicester Castle Business School

Granger, R.C. (2018) The Sustainability of Creative Cities: Lessons from Leicester and London.  ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ

Granger, R.C. (2018) Urban Living and Innovation Labs. ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ: Creative and Cultural Industries Research Group


Granger, R.C. and Bazaz, P. (2018) The Art of Disruption: Creative learning and disruption in the higher education sector. ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ: Creative and Cultural Industries Research Group

Granger, R.C. (2018) Creative Cities as a Spatial Fix, Urban Studies, 55 (8)

Granger, R.C. (2018) ‘Regenerating Cityscapes through the Creative Economy: the creative industries as a spatial fix’, in Harwood, T. (ed) Creative Technologies and the City. Springer: Cultural Computing Series

Granger, R.C. (2018) Urban Regional Regeneration, Wiley Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies


Granger, R.C. (2017) ‘Visitor-led Transformation of East London Creative Scene: Re-Gentrification Along the Kingsland Road’, in Journal of Urban and Regional Regeneration 11(8), pp27-36

Granger, R. (2017) Spatial-Relational Mapping in Socio-Institutional Perspectives of Urban Innovation, in Watson, A. and Taylor, C. (eds) Rethinking Creative Cities Policy: Invisible Agents and Hidden Protagonists. London: Routledge, pp49-61

Roberts, P., Granger, R.C. and Sykes, H. (2016) The Context for Urban Regeneration, in Roberts, P., Granger, RC. and Sykes, H. (eds) The Regeneration Handbook: from urban regeneration to sustainable communities. London: Sage, pp3-8 https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/urban-regeneration/book238864

Jeffrey, P. and Granger, R.C. (2016) ‘Physical and Environmental Aspects’, in Roberts, R., Granger, R.C. and Sykes, H. (eds) The Regeneration Handbook: from urban regeneration to sustainable communities. London: Sage, pp87-97 https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/urban-regeneration/book238864

Granger, R. and McNally, M. (2016) Transnational Perspectives of Urban Policy, in Roberts, P., Granger, RC. and Sykes, H. (eds) The Regeneration Handbook: from Urban regeneration to sustainable communities. London: Sage, pp241-252 https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/urban-regeneration/book238864

Granger, R. (2016) Social and Community Need, in Roberts, P., Granger, R.C. and Sykes, H. (eds) The Regeneration Handbook: from urban regeneration to sustainable communities. London: Sage, pp99-111 https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/urban-regeneration/book238864

Granger, R.C. (2017) The Sustainability of the Creative Industries: London and Leicester. Centre for Urban Austerity, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵhttp://hdl.handle.net/2086/16212

Granger, R.C. and Bazaz, P. (2017) The Art of Disruption. The Role of Higher Education in the Creative Economy. Creative and Cultural Industries Research Group, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵhttp://hdl.handle.net/2086/16210

Granger, R.C. (2017) The Business Case for Creative Industries. Leicester Business Festival Report. Creative and Cultural Industries Research Group, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ


Granger, R.C., Brown, D.L. and Leone, V. (2017) The Economic Impact of International Students in Leicester. Leicester Castle Business School, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ.

Granger, R.C. (2016) The Impact of LCFC on Leicester. Leicester: Leicester Castle Business School, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ

Granger R.C. (2016) Understanding Spatial Economic Change Through Rent Gap and Spatial Fixes: Chicago and London. London: LSE Cities Series

 Granger, R. (2013) ‘Spatial-relational Mapping in Socio-Institutional Perspectives of Urban Innovation’, in European Planning Perspectives 20(2), pp335-341

Granger, R.C. (2012) ‘Enterprise Zone Policy – Developing Sustainable Economies Through Area-based Fiscal Incentives’, in Urban Practice and Review, 5(3), pp335-341

Granger, R. (2012) ‘Review of Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change’, in Canadian Journal of Urban Research, p160

Granger, R.C. (2012) ‘What Relational Techniques Tell Us about Glue, Platforms and Resilience in Contemporary Creative Clusters’, in Compass 6(7). Wiley

Granger, R. (2011) ‘Creative Canada: On the trail of Richard Florida’s Creative Professionals’, in Morgan, C., Dennis, R. and Shaw, S. Shaw, S. (eds) The Canadian Metropolis. Brookings Institute ISBN 9781900039901, pp117-132

Granger, R.C. and Hamilton, C. (2010) ‘Creative Spaces: the role of the underground and the prospect of lock-in in the creative industries’, in Regional Studies Association Regions (277) pp13-16

Granger, R.C. and Hamilton, C. (2010) ‘Re-Spatializing the Creative Industries: a relational examination of underground spaces and professional and organisational lock-in’, in Creative Industries Journal 3(2-3), 47-60

Granger, R.C. (2011) Response to Myers, African Cities. Alternative Visions of Urban Theory and Practice. Urban Geography Research Group, Royal Geographical Society

Granger, R.C. (2010) ‘What Now for Urban Regeneration? A Decade of Entrepreneurial Urbanism’, in Proceedings of the ICE, Journal of Urban Design and Planning 163(1), 7-16

Granger, R.C., Andrews, P, and Wringe, J. (2010) ‘LETs as an Alternative, Post-Capitalist Economic Space? Learning Lessons from the Totnes ‘Acorn’’, in Local Economy 25(7), pp573-583

Granger, R.C. (2010) ‘Cities that Don’t Cost the Earth’, in Planning Perspectives 26(1), pp119-150

Granger, R.C., Piercy, E. and Goodier, C. (2010) ‘Peak Oil and Planning Post-Carbon Cities: learning from Cuba’s ‘Special Period’’, Proceedings of ICE, in Journal of Urban Design and Planning 163(4), 169-176

Granger, R. (2009) ‘A Canadian Priorities Agenda: Policy Choices to Improve Economic and Social Wellbeing’, in British Journal of Canadian Studies 22(2), 58

Granger, R. (2008) ‘Vancouver: Limits to Success? In Journal of the Institution for Economic Development Issue 101, pp10-14

Key research outputs

A Social Value Model of Textiles Production (2021) David Nieper. 

LLEP (2020) Innovation Strategy. MIT REAP for BEIS

Leicester Cultural Strategy (2020/21) Leicester City Council

Leicester Citizen Sensor (2020) http://leicestercitizensensor.online

Local + Smart Leicester (2019/20)

Smart Braunstone Gate (2018/19) Braunstone Gate and West End Community

Leicester Smart Urban Inventory (2019)  Leicester City Council. 

Leicester Creative and Social Enterprise Strategy (2019-20) - CEI/LCBS

Identity, Engagement and Bonds of Affect through Music (2019-2022) - AHRC

Valorising Hidden Culture and Creativity (2018-2021) – AHRC https://www.seekinghiddenculture.com/

The Emancipatory Smart City (2017-2021) – CURA, RSA

Creative Start-Up Residency (2018) – LCBS, LCC

The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries (2017-2018) – ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ: RLS

Open Creative – FLOKK Open Data Networks (2017-2020) – ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ, CEI, HEIF


Leicester City Council – Smart Economic Development (2018) – LCC, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ

Creative Cities as a Sustainable Urban Model (2017) – LCBS, CURA

Evaluating Problem-based Learning in International and Interdisciplinary Student Settings – Learning and Teaching Scholarship Grant and Erasmus Mobility Grants (2015-16) 

Live or Work? - Sustainability + Network/RCUK (2014-15) 

Barnet Triennial Economic Strategy – Barnet Borough Council (2013-14) 

Post-Recession Cities – Royal Geographical Society, Association of American Geographers, Australian Geographic (2012-13)

Economic Impact of the Arts – Northumberland Strategic Arts Forum (2014) 

Evaluating Scotland’s London 2012 Cultural Programme – Creative Scotland (2012-13) 

Sector Review of Scottish Theatre - Creative Scotland (2011-12) 

Spatial-Relational Mapping Software - Royal Geographical Society and HEIF4 (2011) 

Economic Impact Assessment of the Creative Economy, Western Ireland – Western Development Commission (2010) 

Functional Geographies of Entrepreneurship and Innovation – Advantage West Midlands (2009-12) 

In a Nutshell – Homes and Communities Agency (2009-10) 

Research interests/expertise

  • Creative and Smart Cities
  • Cultural Values and Valorisation Models
  • Economic and Social Impact of Cultural and Creative Industries
  • Knowledge Transfer and Innovation, including Quintuple Helix
  • Urban Innovation and Learning Labs
  • Urban Regeneration

Areas of teaching

Collaborative Innovation (POPP5058)

Policy in Action (POPP2505)

Business of the Creative Industries Environment (LCBS5048)

Managing Smart Cities (LCBS5056)


PhD, MSc, PGCert, BA(Hons), ILM

¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ taught

MA Public Leadership

Conference attendance

Granger, R,. Willis, J., Burkmar, J., Quinn, C., Bingham, G. and Hancock, E. (2021) Design for Productivity, Leicester Business Festival, 18 November 2021

Granger, R. (2021) Experimentalism in Place-Shaping: new ways of governing in political science? Panel Convenor, Public Administration Committee Annual Conference, Leicester 7-8 September 2021

Granger, R. (2021) BBB and Levelling-Up, Leicestershire Cares Webinar, 30th June 2021

Granger, R. and McLaughlin, H. (2021) Women Leadership for Innovation, Leicester Innovation Week, 23 June 2021, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ and PwC.

Granger, R. (2021) 6 Models of the Creative Industries: the social turn of arts, Monash University, Culture, Media and Economy Group, 28th May 2021.

Granger, R.C. (2021) Sharing Cities: From Cotton to Culottes and Back Again, at Creating thriving high streets after Covid-19, CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University, 12 May 2021

Granger, R. (2021) Sharing Economies, Institute for Chartered Accountants East Midlands, 23 April 2021, Leicester.

Granger, R. (2021) The High Street Reframed. BBC East Midlands, 1 April 2021

Granger, R. (2021) Scaling the Sharing City to Unlock Economic Value, Business Desk East Midlands City Vision Event: Leicester’s Post Covid Economy, 26 March 2021, Leicester.

Quinn, C. and Granger, R. (2020) Innovation in Practice: the othering of innovation, Leicester Business Festival, 6 November 2020

Granger, R. and Quinn, C. (2020) Head-to-Head with Innovation: the immersive experience sector, Holovis International, Hinckley, Leicester Business Festival, 5 November 2020

Granger, R. (2020) The Future of Cities, BBC East Midlands 29th October 2020

Granger, R. (2020) Covid as the Great Urban Fix and a City Branding Reboot for Cultural Cities, IX Jornadas Internationales Arte y Ciudad Conference, Madrid Complutense University, 22 October 2020

Granger, R. (2020) Leicester’s Aesthetics During Lock-Down, BBC Leicester 28th August 2020

Granger, R. (2020) Out-of-Town Retail and the City Experience, East Midlands Today 27th August 2020

Granger, R. (2020) Transforming Innovation through Connections: FLOKK, Leicester Business Voice 10 July 2020 https://www.lbv.co.uk/news-and-views/

Granger, R.C. (2020) Disruptive Wonderment and the Role of Tactical Urbanism in Cities. Leicester Castle Business School Research Conference, 8th July 2020

Granger, R.C. and Lerpiniere, C. (2020) Culture, Design, and the Sm(Art) City, 23 June 2020, Leicester Castle Business School

Granger, R.C. (2020) Creative Conversations, 01 June 2020 – The Good, The Bad, and the Other in Creative Cities. Rethinking the role of creative skills in cities.  

Granger, R.C. (2020) The Impact of COVID on Retail and Consumption in the City, East Midlands Today, 6th May 2020

Granger, R.C. (2020) Embodied Relations and the Materiality of Cities, 

Madrid Complutense University, ‘Branding and Identity of Cities’, 1-3 April 2020

Granger, R.C. (2020) Host with Heseltine Institute, Liverpool: Inspiring Cities, St Martins Conference Centre, Leicester 30-31 March 2020

Leicester Urban Innovation Lab (2020) Friars Mill, Leicester, 24 March 2020

Leicester Business Voice (2020) Smart Governance, 26 February 2020, University of Leicester Innovation Centre

BBC East Midlands (2019) Local Production and Sustainable Retail, East Midlands Today 20 December 2019, Leicester. 

Panellist, East Midlands Chamber 2019 State of the Economy Conference, 14 November 2019, Shirebrook, Nottingham

Convenor, Inspiring Cities (2019), Inno House, Leicester 26-27 November 2019 http://inspiringcities.uk

Soulsby, P. and Granger, R.C (2019) Urban Innovation Labs in Leicester. LCB Depot, Leicester, 30 October 2019

Granger, R.C. (2019) Informality as a Hidden Culture Within Value-Creating Spaces, ‘Hidden Culture’, RGS-IBG Conference London, 27-30 August 2019, 

Granger, R.C. (2019) Creative Splintering and the Rise of Civic Creativity, CAMEo Re-Futuring Creative Economies, 5-6 September 2019, University of Leicester, 

Granger, R.C. (2019) Maker Spaces as Micro Industrial and Innovation Districts in Fab Cities, Nordic Geographers Meeting Trondheim, 16-19 June 2019 https://www.ntnu.edu/geography/ngm-2019

Granger, R.C. (2018) Gender Pay Gaps and the Creative Industries, East Midlands News, Leicester 31 October 2018

Granger, R.C. (2018) Spatial Fixity and Revanchist Renewal in Post-Industrial Cultural Cities: the cultural heartlands, for ‘neoliberal megaprojects: Variegated Analytical Landscapes’ RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2018, Cardiff 28-31 August 2018

Granger, R.C. (2018) Co-creation, Maker Spaces and Micro Industrial Districts: new and alternative economic spaces, 5th Global Conference on Economic Geography, University of Cologne, July 2018

Granger, R.C. (2018) Disrupting Universities in the Creative Economy: Crowded ecologies; quintuple helixes and third spaces, for ‘Creative Economies’, University of West of England, Bristol, July 2018

Granger, R. (2018) Crowdsourcing Techniques for Analysis of Creative Cities, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ CCIRG, 27 May 2018

Granger (2018) Measuring Cultural and Creative Impact: Flokk and Crowdsourced Relational Platforms, RMIT, Melbourne, 15 May 2018

Granger, R.C. (2018) Creative and Cultural Roles in Cities: Role Renegotiation and the Quintuple Helix from the View of the University, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 25 April 2018

Granger, R. (2018) Regenerating the Highstreets, BBC Radio Leicestershire, 11 April 2018

Granger, R.C. (2017) Disrupting The Role of Universities in the Creative Industries, Creative Coffee, Leicester, 8th November 2017

Granger, R.C. and Bazaz, P. (2017) Disruption in the Creative Industries. Set the Bar, Leicester. 21st September 2017

Granger, R.C. (2017) The Fate of the UK’s High Streets: Leicester, PM, Radio 4. 15 September 2017

Granger, R.C. (2017) Technology and the Creative City, Session Convenor, Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual Conference, Sponsored by the Urban Geography Research Group, 29 August-1 September 2017, London

Granger, R.C. (2017) Cityscapes for Smarter Cities: Revisiting ecologies, ecosystems, and institutional thickness in a digital age, Technology and the Creative City, Session Convenor, Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual Conference, Sponsored by the Urban Geography Research Group, 29 August-1 September 2017, London

Burton, N., Granger, R. and Barton, S. (2017) Leicester City: From success to legacy, International Football History Conference 15-16 June 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University/Etihad Stadium

Granger, R.C. (2017) Crowded Ecologies and the Quintuple Helix in Creative Cities, DRUID, 13-15 June 2017, New York

Granger, R.C. (2017) Chair, Colloquium of Creative and Cultural Industries, Leicester Castle Business School, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ, 8-9 May 2017

Granger, R.C. (2017) Chair, The Impact of Creative Technologies, Colloquium of Creative and Cultural Industries, Leicester Castle Business School, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ, 8-9 May 2017

Granger, R.C. (2017) Creativity and Culture in Leicester: the role of universities? Colloquium of Creative and Cultural Industries, Leicester Castle Business School, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ, 8-9 May 2017

Granger, R.C. (2017) Achieving Creative Enterprise in the UK Context, Copenhagen Business School, 3 May 2017

Granger, R.C. (2017) Data Overload and SMART Working, Reconfigurations of Work Series, Urban Studies Foundation, 21-22 April, Portsmouth University

Granger, R.C. (2017) Leicester’s Creative City, documentary for the ‘The Sustainability of Leicester’s Creative City’ Project.

Granger, R.C. (20-17) Spatial Relational Mapping and Leicester’s ‘Creative Open’ Project, National Centre for Universities and Business, London

Granger, R.C. and Jordan, J. (2017) What’s in a name? What’s in a space? Would any co-working space smell as sweet? Co-working Dynamics and the City, Cultural and Media Economics (CAMEo), University of Leicester, 1 March 2017.

Granger, R.C. (2017) Gender Pay Inequality, BBC East Midlands, 25 February 2017

Granger, R.C. (2017) The Elephant in the Lecture Theatre: Sharing ecologies, alternative economic spaces and the changing role of higher education in the creative economy, University of Portsmouth, 7 February 2017

Granger, R.C. (2016) Set the Bar: Brexit and the Creative Industries, Leicester Cultural Quarter, 2 November 2016

Granger, R.C. (2016) Sports-Led Growth, Place-Marketing, and Place-Making, Leicester Business Festival, ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ, 2 November 2016 

Granger, R.C. (2016) Creative Leadership and Enterprise, British Council, Taipei, 19 October 2016

Granger, R.C. (2016) Platforms, Policies and Institution: Empowering or hindering creative agency? Fifth European Colloquium on Culture, Creativity and Economy, Seville, October 2015

Granger, R.C. (2016) Alternative Economic Spaces and Third Spaces in the Creative Economy: The elephant in the lecture theatre, serial mastery, and the changing role of higher education in the creative industries. Fifth European Colloquium on Culture, Creativity and Economy, Seville, October 2015

Granger, R.C. (2016) The Impact of Leicester City Football Club on Leicester, BBC Radio 4, 14 September 2016

Brown, D. and Granger, R.C. (2016) The Impact of Leicester City FC on Leicester, BBC East Midlands, 12 September 2016

Granger, R.C. (2016) The Geography of the Creative Economy, University of Chester, Shrewsbury, April 2016

Granger, R.C. (2015) Changing Visitor production and Consumption in Hastings – Post-Recession Regeneration or a Reworking of the Innovation Discourse? Fourth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Oxford, 19-23 August 2015

Granger, R.C. (2015) Live-Work Units: Evidence and policy debate, Middlesex University, 24-25 June 2015

Granger, R.C. (2015) Live-Work Units as Units of Creative Place-Making, Creative Place-making and Its Micropublics, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, 21-15 April 2015

Granger, R.C. (2015) A Tale of Two Cities: Spatial Change Through Rent Gap and Spatial Fixes, Planetary Rent Gaps, Shifting Capital Flows and the Gentrination of the Global Semi-periphery, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2015

Granger, R.C. (2014) Panelist: Approaching Creativity and the Cultural Economy, Third European Colloquium on Culture, Creativity and Economy, Amsterdam October 2014

Granger, R.C. (2014) Understanding the Value of Culture in Macro Economic Analysis, Third European Colloquium on Culture, Creativity and Economy, Amsterdam October 2014

Granger, R.C. (2014) LETS and the Totness Pound as Alternative Economic Spaces, House of Commons Research Committee, May 2014

Granger, R.C. (2014) Spatial-Relational Mapping of Scotland’s Theatre Sector, Analyzing Urban networks, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London August 2014

Granger, R.C. and Park, H-Y (2014) Urban Change, Perceptions and Identities: Visitor-led Transformation of London’s Boundaries, Changing Boundaries in London, University of Lisbon, Portugal June 2014

Granger, R.C. (2013) Creative Cities as Spatial Fix, ESRC Seminar Series Crisis and the City: Austerity-led Financial Development, University of York, July 2013

Granger, R.C. (2013) Learning Lessons from Investment in America and Asia Pacific for European Post-Recession Cities. European Urban and Regional Studies, University of Sussex, July 2013

Granger, R.C. (2013) Learning Lessons from America and Asia Pacific for European Post-Recession Cities. Learning from Melbourne, Sydney, Singapore, and Chicago. Cities and the Crisis Workshop – London School, of Economics, 17 May 2013

Granger, R.C. (2012) ‘Piracy and the Creative Process: an alternative view of creative economies and innovation’, Session convenor, Royal Geographical Society, Edinburgh, 2012 (sponsored by the Economic Geography Research Group, RGS)

Granger, R.C. and Mould, O. (2012) Portfolio Work and Urban Resilience, Royal Geographical Society, Edinburgh, 2012 (sponsored by the Economic Geography Research Group, RGS)

Granger, R.C. (2012) Creative Cities Panel Discussion. Lanchester Gallery Projects, Coventry, 24 May 2012.

Granger, R.C. (2012) The Spatialities of the Digital Economy, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2012

Granger, R.C. (2011) Examining Flows and Creative Spaces - Spatial-Relational Mapping Digital and Creative Sectors in UK and North America, Creative Regions Summer School, University of Kent, Canterbury, July 2011

Granger, R.C. (2011) Spatial-Relational Mapping Techniques, Centre for Regional Economic Analysis, Fuergeisas Portugal, July 2011

Granger, R.C. (2011) Developing Empirical Tools for Relational Economic Geography – The Contribution of Spatial-Relational Mapping to New Economic Geography, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference Aug-Sept 2011, ‘After Relationality: New directions for economic geography’.

Granger, R.C. (2011) Convenor, ‘Post-Florida Cities’, Annual Meeting Association of American Geographers, April 2011, Seattle

Granger, R.C. (2011) Place Appeal and Place Retention in Creative Cities, Association of American Geographers, April 2011

Granger, R.C. (2010) Regeneration Management Network, 10th Anniversary Conference, Coventry, June 2010

Granger, R.C. (2010) Discovering Networks, Underground Scenes and Lock-in Through Relational Economics, Association of American Geographers, 14-18 April 2010

Granger, R.C. (2010) Constructing and Constricting Advantage in the UK Games Industry, UK Serious Games Institute, 28 April, 2010

Granger, R.C., Hamilton, C. and Evans, R. (2010) On the Trail of Richard Florida’s ‘Creative Class’ 10 Years On! Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI), Copenhagen, 10-12 June 2010

Granger, R.C. (2010) What is Regeneration? Fierce Festival: Regeneration, Warwick Arts Centre, 28 June 2010 

Granger, R.C. (2010) Learning about Sustainability from Cuba’s ‘Special Period’, UK Regeneration Management Research Network, Coventry 30 June 2010

Granger, R. and Hamilton, C. (2010) Sectoral and Organisational Lock-In in the Creative Industries: How strong ties can constrict rather than construct competitive advantage, European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Jonköping, 19-23 August 2010

Granger, R. (2010) Sustainable High Growth Strategies in Post-Industrial Economies, Uppsala University, Sweden, 23 August 2010

Granger, R. (2010) Creative Sustainability: a relational examination of underground scenes and creative lock-in, European Urban and Regional Studies, Vienna 15-17 September 2010

Granger, R. (2010) Cities at a Crossroads: achieving sustainability through relocalisation, European Urban and Regional Studies, Vienna 15-17 September 2010

Granger, R.C. (2010) Localisation as a sustainability tool, Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London, November 2010

Granger, R., Piercy, E. and Goodier, C. (2009) Peak Oil: Learning lessons from Cuba’s ‘Special Period’, Nordic Environmental Social Sciences (NESS), London, June 2009

Granger, R. (2009) The Role of the Underground in the Performing and Digital Arts Scene, Regional Studies Association International Network “Creative Regions”, Cardiff, April 2009

Regeneration Advisor, Coventry Retail Development, Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, June 2009

Planning and Regeneration Advisor, Planning Inquiry, Rugby Radio Mast, West Midlands, June 2009

Regeneration Advisor, BBC Radio (Coventry and Warwickshire), Jan 2008, August 2008

Granger, R. (2008) Public Policy Design and Accountability, International Urban Development Association Summer School, Masse Lubrense, Italy

Granger, R. (2008) Problematising Measurement of the Knowledge-Driven Economy, DIME International Conference, Newcastle University, Sept 2008

Current research students

Parsons - Valorising Hidden Culture

Garcia-Carrizo - Branding and Artivism in Cultural and Creative Districts   

Sani - Staging the Neoliberal Condition: Historicising Neoliberalism through Theatrical Performance to Reimagine 21st Century Citizenship

Makiese - Black Practice, Hidden Culture, and Access within the UK Creative Industries