Professor Stephen Ison

Job: Professor of Air Transport Policy

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Address: ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

T: 0116 2577 647

E: stephen.ison@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

I am an economist and my research interests are at the interface of economics and transport policy. This has involved aviation and surface transport and specifically the implementation of market-based instruments. The focus of my research has been to provide evidence for policy initiatives at local, national and international level. Specific areas include: regulation and deregulation, the growth in low cost carriers, airport ground access, transport and sustainability and the role of car parking policy, road pricing, the workplace parking levy, road safety, gender and transport and the air cargo sector.

I am Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Research in Transportation Business and Management, Elsevier and Associate Editor of the Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, Taylor and Francis. I am also book series editor of Transport and Sustainability, Emerald and Contemporary Issues in Air Transport, Elsevier.

I have published over 130 peer reviewed academic Journal papers, presented over 135 peer reviewed conference papers and written, co-written and edited 18 books. 

I was appointed to sit on the Airport Terminals and Ground Access, Technical Activities Council Committee, Aviation Group, AV050, Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington D.C. Post held: 15 April 2019 – 14 April 2022 and selected as member of the Academic Expert Framework for the Commission for Integrated Transport, 2005-2009. I am a Member of the Scientific Committee of the World Conference on Transport Research Society, Topic Area Manager for Area G: Transport Planning and Policy, World Conference on Transport Research Society and Chair of the World Conference on Transport Research Society Special Interest Group (SIG 10) Urban Transport Policy and Planning. I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT). I have supervised 20 PhD students to successful completion and am currently supervising Nicolette Formosa winner of the L’Oréal UNESCO for Women in Science, The Royal Academy, May 2018. In May 2019 I gave Oral Evidence to both the Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise, and to the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, Scottish Parliament on the workplace parking levy

Research interests/expertise

Economics and the interface with air transport policy, air transport policy, decision-making, implementation, evaluation, regulation, deregulation, markets, pricing, taxes, subsidises, low cost carriers, airport ground access, sustainability, car parking, road pricing, workplace parking levy, road safety, gender, air cargo 

Areas of teaching

  • Air Transport Policy
  • Air Transport Economics


  • BA (Hons) Economics, University of Liverpool, 1978
  • MA Transport Economics, University of Leeds, 1979
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Educ. (Distinction), Brunel University, 1980
  • PhD, Economics, Loughborough University, 2000

¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ taught

Air Transport Economics

Honours and awards

The Inspiration Award, Students’ Union’s “Academic Awards” Loughborough University, 21st May 2015. The conditions for this award: This lecturer/member of staff is a true inspiration to their students both as an academic and as a professional. They are constantly striving for excellence whether that is through their enthusiasm and knowledge of their subject, the use of innovative teaching methods or the high-quality teaching and feedback that they deliver. This lecturer makes studying at Loughborough University an enjoyable, supportive and enriching experience.

Sang, K, Dainty, A and Ison, S.G. and Powell, A., 'Anticipatory socialisation amongst architects: a qualitative exploration', Education & Training Journal, Volume 51, issue 4, July 2009, 309-321, ISSN: 0040-0912. EmeraldLiteratiNetwork 2010 Highly Commended Award.

Ison, S.G., Hughes, G. and Tuckwell, R., ''Cambridge's experience of road user charging: lessons learned'', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 161(TR3), August 2008, pp. 135-141. Winner of Rees Jeffreys Award 2009: awarded to the author of the best paper on highway engineering published in "Municipal Engineer" or "Transport" in any one year, Institution of Civil Engineers.

Frost, M, and Ison, S.G. Comparisons of Noise Impacts from Urban Transport, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Transport, 2007, 160, (TR4), 165-172. Winner of Rees Jeffreys Award 2008: awarded to the author of the best paper on highway engineering published in "Municipal Engineer" or "Transport" in any one year, Institution of Civil Engineers.

Membership of external committees

  • Member of International Steering Committee (ISC), The 7th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics (TSTE 2019), Beijing Jiatong University, China, October, 11-13, 2019.
  • 2015-  Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT).
  • 1987-2015  Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (MCILT).
  • 2002-  Member of the Higher Education Academy.
  • Elected to the Executive Committee of the Universities Transport Studies Group 2002-2005. 
  • Appointed to sit on the Airport Terminals and Ground Access, Technical Activities Council Committee, Aviation Group, AV050, Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington D.C. Post held: 15 April 2019 – 14 April 2022.
  • Invited to sit on the Airport Terminals and Ground Access, Technical Activities Council Committee, Aviation Group, AV050, Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington D.C. Post held: 13 July 2004 – 14 April 2013 and 15 April 2016 – 14 April 2019. 
  • Invited to sit on the Committee on Transportation and Sustainability, ADD40, Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington D.C. Post held: 15 April 2012 – 14 April 2015 and 15 April 2015 – 14 April 2018. 
  • Selected as member of the Academic Expert Framework for the Commission for Integrated Transport, 2005-2007, the purpose of which is to provide expert knowledge and skills at short notice in response to requests for information and advice. 
  • Selected as member of the Academic Expert Framework for the Commission for Integrated Transport, 2007-2009, the purpose of which is to provide expert knowledge and skills at short notice in response to requests for information and advice. 
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the World Conference on Transport Research Society.
  • Topic Area Manager [TAM] Area G: Transport Planning and Policy, World Conference on Transport Research Society.
  • Chair World Conference on Transport Research Society Special Interest Group (SIG G3) Urban Transport Planning and Policy. 
  • Expert Panel Member of the Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise, ICCAN, 11th February, 2020 – Department for Transport, Aviation Strategy Expert Panel, September 2019

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • 2015-  Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT) 
  • 1987-2015  Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (MCILT) 
  • 2002-  Member of the Higher Education Academy

Forthcoming events

Conference organisation:

Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, 27-30 August 2019, Imperial College, London, TGRG sponsored session at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2019 entitled Up in the air: geographies of trouble and hope at 35,000ft, Session conveners: Stephen Ison and Lucy Budd.

World Conference on Transport Research Society, Special Interest Group G3 – Urban Transport Planning and Policy, Special Session organised during the TIS ROMA 2019 Transport Infrastructure and Systems in a changing world, 23-24 September 2019, Rome, Italy.

Conference attendance


Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, 13-17 January 2019, Washington, D.C. US.


Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, 13-17 January 2019, Washington, D.C. US.

15th World Conference on Transport Research Society, 26-31 May 2019, Mumbai, India.

23rd Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), 2-5 July, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, 27-30 August 2019, Imperial College, London.

World Conference on Transport Research Society, Special Interest Group G3 – Urban Transport Planning and Policy, Special Session organised during the TIS ROMA 2019 Transport Infrastructure and Systems in a changing world, 23-24 September 2019, Rome, Italy.

Recent research outputs

Journal Papers:

Yilmaz, O., Frost, M.W., Timmis, A.J., Ison, S.G., (2021) "An Investigation of Airport Ground Access Strategies from A Post-COVID Perspective", Transportation Research Record, August 2021. doi:.

Le Pira, M,  Attard, M., and Ison, S.G., (2021) Urban Transport Planning and Policy in a changing world: bridging the gap between theory and practice, Research in Transportation Business and Management

Adrienne N, Budd L, and Ison S (2020) Grounded aircraft: an airfield operations perspective of the challenges of resuming flights post-COVID, Journal of Air Transport Management, 89, October 2020, 101921.

 Flack, S., Budd, L., Dale, S., and Ison, S.G, (2021) The Workplace Parking Levy: A Review of its Social Benefit, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Municipal Engineer.

Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., (2021) Public utility or private asset? The evolution of UK airport ownership, 1986-2020, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(1), March 2021, 212-218.

Attard, M., and Ison, S.G., (2020) Editorial, Urban Transport Research in Transportation Business and Management, Volume 36, September, 100594

Budd, L., Ison. S.G., and Adrienne, N., (2020) European airline response to the COVID-19 pandemic – contraction, consolidation and future considerations for airline business and management Research in Transportation Business and Management 

Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., (2020) Supporting the needs of special assistance (including PRM) passengers: An international survey of disabled air passenger rights legislation, Journal of Air Transport Management, , August 2020, 101851

Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., (2020) Responsible Transport: A post-COVID agenda for future transport policy and practice, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, , July 2020, 100151

Formosa, N., Quddus, M.A., and Ison, S.G., (2020) Abdel-Aty, M., Yuan J.,  Predicting real-time vehicle-based conflicts using deep learning, Accident Analysis and Prevention, , March 2020, 105429

Ison S.G., Budd, L., and Attard M (2019) Editorial, Women, employment and transport Research in Transportation Business and Management, Volume 31, June, 100430

Graham, A., Budd, L, Ison, S.G., and Timmis, A., Airports and ageing passengers: A study of the UK airports, Research in Transportation Business and Management, Volume 30, March 2019, 100380.

Mifsud, D., Attard, M., Ison, S.G., An exploratory study of the psychological determinants of mobility of older people in Malta, Research in Transportation Business and Management, Volume 30, March 2019, 100373

Dale, S., Ison, S.G., Frost, M., and Budd, L., The Impact of the Nottingham Workplace Parking Levy on Travel to Work Mode Share, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 7, 2019, 749-760.

Burchell, J., Ison, S.G., Enoch, M, and Budd, L., Assessing the likely take up of the Workplace Parking Levy as a Transport Policy Instrument, Journal of Transport Geography, 80, October 2019, 102543.

Brooke, S., Ison, S.G., Quddus, M.A., (2018) Analysing Parking Search (Cruising) Time Using Generalised Multilevel Structural Equation Modelling, Journal Transport Economics and Policy, 52(3), 202-220.

Rouncivell, A., Timmis, A., and Ison, S.G., (2018) Willingness to pay for preferred seat selection on UK domestic flights, Journal of Air Transport Management, 70, 57-61.

Brooke, S., Ison, S.G., and Quddus, M.A., (2017) 'On-street parking search: A UK local authority perspective' Journal of Transport and Land Use, Volume 10, No 1, 1-13.

Budd L and Ison, S.G., (2017) The role of dedicated freighter aircraft in the provision of global airfreight services Journal of Air Transport Management, 61, 34-40.

Dale, S., Frost, M., Ison, S.G., Nettleship, K., and Warren, P, (2017) An evaluation of the economic and business investment impact of an integrated package of public transport improvements funded by a Workplace Parking Levy, Transportation Research A,

Misfud, D., Attard, M., and Ison, S.G., To drive or to use the bus? An Exploratory Study of Older People in Malta’ Journal of Transport Geography. 64, 23-32.

Dale, S., Frost, M., Ison, S.G., Quddus, M.A and Warren, P, Evaluating the Impact of a Workplace Parking Levy on Local Traffic Congestion: The Case of Nottingham, UK, Transport Policy, 59, 153-164.

Budd, L. and Ison, S.G., (2017) Capturing aircraft noise complaints: the mechanisms used by UK airports Journal of Airport Management 11(3)

Irvine, D., Budd, L.C.S., Ison, S.G., Kitching, G. (2016) The environmental effects of peak hour air traffic congestion: The case of London Heathrow Airport, , Climate Change Targets and Urban Transport Policy, June 2016, 67–73.

Budd, L.C.S and Ison, S.G., (2016) Introduction to the Themed Volume on low cost transport, Low Cost Transport Operations, Research in Transportation Business and Management Volume 21, 1-2 (December 2016).

Ison, S.G. and Sagaris, L., (2016) , Research in Transportation Economics, 59, 175-178.

Budd L, Ison, S.G., and Budd T (2016) Improving the environmental performance of Airport Surface Access in the UK: the role of public transport Research in Transportation Economics, 59, 185-195.

Attard, M., and Ison, S.G., The Effects of Road User Charges in the Context of Weak Parking Policies: The Case of Malta, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 3(1), 37-43.

Burchell, J., Ison, S.G., and Enoch, M. E., The Smeed Report Fifty Years On: A Role for the Workplace Parking Levy?, Transportation Planning and Technology, 38(1), 62-77.

Gegg, P., Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., Stakeholder views of the factors affecting the commercialisation of aviation biofuels in Europe, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 9(8), 542-550.

McCarthy, F., Budd, L., Ison, SG., Gender on the flightdeck: Experiences of women commercial airline pilots in the UK, Journal of Air Transport Management, 47, 1st August 2015, 32-38

Budd, L.C.S. Ison, S.G., and Budd, T, Developing air cargo operations at regional airports: a case study of East Midlands Airport, UK, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Transport. ), 1st April 2015, 124 –131

Budd, T, Budd, L.C.S. and Ison, S.G., Environmentally sustainable practices at UK airports, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Transport, ), 1st April 2015, 116-123

Brooks, M.R., and Ison, S.G., 2015, Themed Volumes: A Curse or a Blessing?  Publications. 3(3), 174-189.

Ho, C., Mulley, C, Tai, P., Ison, S.G., and Wiblin, S., 2015 Area-wide travel plans – targeting strategies for greater participation in green travel initiatives: a case study of Rouse Hill Town Centre, NSW Australia, Transportation, 1-28.

Budd, L., Francis, G., Humphreys, I., and Ison, S.G., Grounded: Characterising the market exit of European Low Cost Airlines, Journal of Air Transport Management, (2014) 78-85.

Sang, K, Dainty, A and Ison, S.G., Gender in the UK Architectural Profession: (re)producing and challenging hegemonic masculinity, Work, Employment and Society, 28(2), 2014, 247-264.

Budd, T, Ryley, T., and Ison, S.G., Airport Ground Access and Private Car Use: A Segmentation Analysis, Journal of Transport Geography, 36, (2014), 106-115.

Wallington, D., Murray, W., Darby, P., Raeside, R., Ison, S.G., Work-related road safety: Case Study of British Telecommunications (BT) Transport Policy, 32, (2014), 194-202.

Gegg, P., Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., The market development of aviation biofuel: drivers and constraints, Journal of Air Transport Management, 39, (2014), 34-40.

Ison, S.G., Merkert, R., and Mulley, C., Policy approaches to public transport at airports – some diverging evidence from the UK and Australia, Transport Policy. , September 2014, 265–274.

Itoya, E., EL-Hamalawi, A., Ison, S.G., Frost M.W., and Hazell K. 2014, Development and Implementation of a Life Cycle Carbon Tool for Highway Maintenance, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, , 04014092

Dale, S., Frost, M.W., Ison, S.G., and Warren, P., 2014 Workplace Parking Levies: The Answer to Funding large Scale Local Transport Improvement in the UK?  Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 48, 410-421.

Brooke, S., Ison, S.G., and Quddus, M.A., On-Street Parking Search: Review and Future Research Direction, Transportation Research Record, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, 2014, No 2469, 65-75.

Ison, S.G. and Nelson, J. (2013) Guest Editorial: 45th Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 36(1), February 2013, 1-2.

Enoch M and Ison S.G., (2013) Travel Plans: a way forward, Urban Design and Planning, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 166(2), 126-135.

Quddus M, Wang, C, Ison, S.G., (2013) A spatio-temporal analysis of the impact of congestion on traffic safety on major roads in the UK, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 9(2), 124-148.

Wang, C, Quddus M, Ison, S.G., The effect of traffic and road characteristics on road safety: A review and future research direction, Safety Science, 57, August 2013, 264-275.

Ison, S.G., and Attard, M., The Smeed Report and Road Pricing: The Case of Valletta, Malta, Bank of Valletta Review, Spring 2013, No 47, 1-23.

Budd, L., Ison, S.G., and Budd, T., An empirical examination of the growing phenomenon of off-site residential car parking provision: the situation at UK airports, Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice, 54 (2013) 26–34.

Itoya, E, Ison, S.G., Frost, M. W., El-Hamalawi, A and Hazell, K, Highway Routine Maintenance CO2e Emissions Assessment: A LCA Approach, Engineering Sustainability 166(4):165-180 01 Aug 2013

Murray, W, White, J and Ison, S.G., (2012) Work-related road safety: A Case Study of Roche, Australia, Safety Science, 50(1), 129-137.

May, A.D., Ison, S.G., Emberger, G., and Musso, A, (2012) Urban Transport Initiatives, Special Issue of Transport Policy, 20(1), March.

Ison, S.G. and Potter, S. (2012) Guest Editorial: Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 35(1), February 2012, 1-2.

Li L, Quddus, M, Ison, S.G. and Lin Zhao (2012) Multiple Reference Consistency Check for LASS: a Novel Position Domain Approach, GPS Solutions, 16(2), 209-220.

Ison, S.G. Frost, M, and Watson, R., (2012) UK Rail Transport – A review of Demand and Supply, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Transport, 165(TR3), August, 25-234.

Itoya, E, Hazell, K, Ison, S.G., El-Hamalawi, A and Frost, M.W, (2012) A Framework for Carbon Emissions Evaluation of Road Maintenance, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Maintenance and Preservation 2012, No. 2292, 1-11.

Ison, S.G., Marsden, G. and May A.D., Editorial, (2011) Transferability of Urban Transport Policy, Special Issue of Transport Policy, 18(3), 489-491.

Ison, S.G. and Shaw, J. (2011) Guest Editorial: Universities’ Transport Studies Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 34(1), February 2011, 1-2.

Kendal J.J., Ison, S.G. and Enoch, M. P. (2011) UK National Parks: A Role for Road-Pricing? International Journal of Sustainable Transport, 5, (1), 25–42.

Budd, L, Griggs, S, Howarth, D and Ison, S.G, (2011) A Fiasco of Volcanic proportions? Eyjafjallajokull and the closure of European Airspace, Mobilities, 6 (1), 31-40.

Meek, S, Ison, S.G. and Enoch, M (2011), The role of Park and Ride in the UK: A temporal and evaluative review, Urban Transport of China, 9(1), 55-70.

Meek S, Ison S.G. and Enoch, M (2011) Evaluating Alternative Concepts of Bus-based Park and Ride, Transport Policy, 18 (2), 456-467.

Rye, T., Green, C., Young, E. and Ison, S.G., (2011), Using the Land-Use Planning Process To Secure Travel Plans: An Assessment of Progress in England to Date, Journal of Transport Geography 19(2), 235-243.

Budd, T, Ison, S.G and Ryley T Airport surface access in the UK: An Airport Management Perspective, Research in Transportation Business and Management, 1, 109-117.

Quddus M, Wang, C, Ison, S.G. (2011) Predicting accident frequency at their severity levels and its application in site ranking using a two-stage mixed multivariate model, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43(6) November, 1979-1990.

Budd, T, Ison, S.G and Ryley T (2011) Airport Ground Access: Issues and Policies, Journal of Airport Management, 6(1) December, 80-97.

Ison, S.G, and Francis, G, Humphreys, I.M., and Page, R, (2011) UK Regional Airport Commercialisation and Privatisation: A Longitudinal Study, Journal of Transport Geography, 19(6) November, 1341-1349.

Attard, M and Ison, S.G. The Implementation of Road User Charging and the Lessons Learnt: The Case of Valletta, Malta, Journal of Transport Geography, 18(1), 2010, 14-22.

Meek, S, Enoch M and Ison S. G. UK Local Authority Attitudes to Park and Ride, Journal of Transport Geography, 18(3), 2010, 372-381.

Ison, S.G, and Potter, H., Editorial, Road User Charging, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 163(TR2), May 2010, 55.

Quddus M, Wang, C, Ison, S.G "Road Traffic Congestion and Crash Severity: An Econometric Analysis Using Ordered Response Models," ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2010, 136(5), 424-435.

Abdel-Wahab, M., Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G. A review of the case of a Levy-Grant Scheme (LGS) in the UK construction industry, Journal of Vocational Education & Training Volume 62, Issue 3, 273 – 283. ISSN: 1747-5090.

Ison, S.G, Francis, G, Humphreys, I, and Rye, T, UK Airport Car Parking Management, Journal of Airport Management, 3(2), 2009, 164-175, ISSN 1750-1938.

Straker,I., Ison, S.G., Humphreys, I., and Francis, G., A Case Study of functional benchmarking as a source of knowledge for car parking strategies, Benchmarking: An International Journal, (16) 1, 2009, 30-46.

Morris, D, Enoch, M, Pitfield, D and Ison, S.G, Car-free Development through UK community travel plans, Urban Design and Planning, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Volume 162, issue DP1, March 2009, 19-27.

Sang, K, Dainty, A and Ison, S.G., The job satisfaction of UK architects and relationships with work life balance and turnover intentions, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 16(3), 2009, 288-300.

Sang, K, Dainty, A and Ison, S.G. and Powell, A., 'Anticipatory socialisation amongst architects: a qualitative exploration', Education & Training Journal, Volume 51, issue 4, July 2009, 309-321, ISSN: 0040-0912

Laws, R., Enoch, M.P., Ison, S.G. and Potter, S.,‘ Demand Responsive Transport: A Review of Schemes in England and Wales’.  Journal of Public Transportation, 12(1), 2009, 19-37.

Wang, C, Quddus M, Ison, S.G. The Effects of Area-Wide Road Speed and Curvature on Traffic Casualties in England, Journal of Transport Geography, 17(5), 2009, 385-395.

Meek, S, Ison, S.G. and Enoch, M. Stakeholder Perspectives on the Current and Future Roles of UK Bus-based Park and Ride, Journal of Transport Geography, 17(6), 2009, 468-475

Murray, W, Ison, S.G., Gallemore, P and Nijjar, H.S., Effective Occupational Road Safety Programs: A Case Study of Wolseley, Transportation Research Record, 2096, 2009, 55-64.

Wang, C, Quddus, M, Ison, S.G. Impact of Traffic Congestion on Road Accidents: A Spatial Analysis of the M25 Motorway in England, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 41(4), 2009, 798-808.

Gardiner, J and Ison S.G., ‘The geography of non-integrated cargo airlines: an international study’, Journal of Transport Geography, 2008, 16(1) 55-62.

Abdul-Wahab, M.S., Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G., Bowen, P. and Hazlehurst, G., ''Trends of skills and productivity in the UK construction industry'', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 15(4), 2008, 372-382, ISSN: 0969-9988.

Ison, S.G., and Potter, H., “Editorial, Road User Charging”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 161(TR3), August 2008, pp. 101.

Ison, S.G., Hughes, G. and Tuckwell, R., ''Cambridge's experience of road user charging: lessons learned'', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 161(TR3), August 2008, pp. 135-141.

Meek, S, Ison, S.G. and Enoch, M. The role of Park and Ride in the UK: A temporal and evaluative review, Transport Reviews, 28(6), 2008, 781-803.

Rye, T, Gaunt, M and Ison, S.G. Edinburgh's Congestion Charging Plans: An Analysis of Reasons for Non-Implementation, Transportation Planning and Technology, 31(6), 2008, 641-661.

Abdel-Wahab, M., Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G. and Hazlehurst, G., ''The participation of Small-Medium Enterprises in skills and training initiatives in the UK construction industry: implications for skills policy and construction companies'', Construction Information Quarterly, 103, 2008, pp 116-121.

Abdel-Wahab, M., Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G. and Hazlehurst, G., ''An exploration of the relationship between training grants and the profitability of UK construction companies'', International Journal of Training and Development, 12(3), 2008, 188-205, ISSN: 1360-3736.

May, A. D. and Ison, S. G., (2008) Decision-support for sustainable urban transport strategies, Transport Policy, 15 (6), 325-327.

Rye, T, Hunton, K, Ison, S.G., Kocak, N (2008) The role of market research and consultation in developing parking policy, Transport Policy, 15 (6), 387-394.

Button, K., and Ison, S.G., (2008) The economics of low-cost airlines: Introduction, Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 24, 1-4.

Francis, G, Dennis, N, Ison, S, Humphreys, I (2007) ‘The Past Present and Future of Long Haul Low Cost Airline Operations’, Tourism Management, 28, 391-398.

Ison, S, Humphreys, I, and Rye, T, (2007) UK airport employee car parking: The role of a charge?, Journal of Air Transport Management, 13(3), 163-165.

Ison, S.G and Ryley, T, (2007) Options for Sustainable Mobility, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering, 160 (ES1), 27-33.

Holdsworth, N, Enoch, M and Ison, S, (2007) ‘Examining the Political and Practical Reality of Bus-Based Real Time Passenger Information’, Transportation Planning and Technology, 30 (2-3), 183-204.

Frost, M, and Ison, S.G. (2007) Comparisons of Noise Impacts from Urban Transport, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Transport, 160, (TR4), 165-172.

Humphreys, I.M., Ison, S.G, and Francis, G, (2007) UK Airport Policy: the influence of Government? Public Money and Management, 27(5), 339-343.

Enoch, M.P, Zhang, L, and Ison, S.G., (2007) Unlocking the potential of Site Based Mobility Management through Local Travel Plan Groups, World Transport Policy & Practice, 13(2) 23-39.

Sang, K, Dainty, A and Ison, S.G., (2007) Gender differences in the occupational health and well-being of architects Construction Management and Economics.  25(12) 1305- 1317.

Francis, G, Humphreys, I.M, Ison, S.G, and Aicken, M., (2006) ‘Where Next for Low Cost airlines? A spatial and temporal comparative study’, Journal of Transport Geography, 14(2), 83-94.

Enoch, M.P., and Ison, S.G., (2006) Levying Charges on Private Parking: Lessons from Existing Practice’, World Transport Policy & Practice, 12 (1), pp. 5-14.

Rye, T., Cowan, T. and Ison, S.G.,  (2006) Expansion of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) and its Influence on Modal Split: The Case of Edinburgh, Transportation Planning and Technology, 29(1), 75-89, ISSN 0308 1060.

Aldridge, K.T., Carreno, M., Ison, S.G., Rye, T. and Straker, I.,  (2006) Car parking management at airports: A special case?'', Transport Policy, 13, 511-521.

Ison, S.G. and Rye, T., ''Editorial, Parking'', Transport Policy, (2006), 445-446.

Anumba, C.E.H, Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G., and Sergeant, A., (2006) Understanding Structural and Cultural Impediments to ICT System Integration: A GIS Based Case Study, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. Vol 13; Number 6,  616-633.

Humphreys I, Ison S and Francis G., (2006) A review of the airport-low cost airline relationship’ The Review of Network Economics, Vol. 5, Issue 4 December, pp. 1-8.

Gaunt, M, Rye, T and Ison, S. G., (2006) Implementing Congestion Charging: Gaining Public Support for Congestion Charging: Lessons from Referendum in Edinburgh, Scotland, Transportation Research Record, 1960, pp. 87-93.

Gardiner, J., Humphreys, I.M., and Ison, S.G., (2005) Freighter operators choice of airport: a three stage process”, Transport Reviews. 25(1), 85-102.

Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G., and Root, D.S., (2005) Averting a Construction Labour Market Skills Crisis: A Regional Approach, Local Economy, 20(1), 79-89.

Humphreys, I.M., Ison, S.G., Francis, G., and Aldridge, K. (2005) UK Airport Surface Access Targets”, Journal of Air Transport Management. 11(2), 117-124.

Humphreys, I.M, and Ison, S.G, (2005) Changing airport employee travel behaviour: The role of Airport Surface Access Strategies”, Transport Policy, 12(1), 1-9.

Rye, T, and Ison, S.G., (2005) Overcoming barriers to the implementation of car parking charges”, Transport Policy, 12(1), 57-64.

Ison, S.G.  (2005) Congestion charging: selling the concept’, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering 158, May, Paper 13966, pp.19-25.

Enoch, M.P., Potter, S., and Ison, S.G., (2005) A strategic approach to financing public transport through property values’, Public Money and Management, 25(3), 147-154.

Dainty, A.R.J.,and Ison, S.G., and Briscoe, G. H  (2005) The construction labour market skills crisis: The Perspective of Small-Medium Sized Firms, Construction Management and Economics. 23 (4), 387-398. 2005, ISSN: 0144-6193.

Ison, S.G. and Rye, T., (2005) Implementing road user charging: the lessons learnt from Hong Kong, Cambridge and Central London, Transport Reviews, 25(4), 451-465.

Gardiner, J., Ison, S.G., and Humphreys, I.M., (2005) The factors influencing cargo airliners’ choice of airport: An international survey’, Journal of Air Transport Management. 11(6), 393-399.

Anumba, C, Dainty, A, Ison, S.G and Sergeant, A, (2005) The application of GIS to construction labour market planning’, Construction Innovation, 5, 219-230.

Morris, M, Ison, S.G., and Enoch, M, (2005) The role of UK local authorities in promoting the bus’, Journal of Public Transportation, 8(5), 25-40.

Enoch, M.P., Wixey, S., and Ison, S.G., (2004) Practical Lessons for Winning Support for Radical Transport Proposals’, World Transport Policy & Practice, 10 (1), 34-40.

Francis, G, Humphreys, I.M, and Ison, S.G., (2004) Airports’ perspectives on the growth of low-cost airlines and the remodeling of the airport-airline relationship”, Tourism Management, 25 (4), 507-514.

Dainty A.R.J., Ison, S.G and Root, D.S., (2004) Bridging the skills gap: A regionally driven strategy for resolving the construction labour market crisis”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 11 (4), 275-283.

Ison, S.G. and Dainty, A.R.J., and Wall, S (2004) The construction sector, congestion charging and exemptions”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 11 (6), 386- 394.

Enoch, M.P., Potter, S, Ison, S.G., and Humphreys, I.M., (2004) The role of hypothecation in financing transit: Lessons from the UK. Transportation Research Record, 1864, 31-37.

Ison, S.G. and Wall, S, (2003) Market- and non-market-based approaches to traffic-related pollution: the perception of key stakeholders, International Journal of Transport Management, 2003, 1 (3), 133-143.

Ison, S.G. and Rye, T., (2003) Lessons from travel planning and road user charging for policy-making: through imperfection to implementation”, Transport Policy, 10 (3), 223-233.

Humphreys, I.M., Francis, G, and Ison, S.G., (2003) An Examination of Risk Transference in Air Transport Privatization”, Transportation Quarterly, 57 (4), 31-37.

Humphreys, I.M, and Ison, S.G., (2003) Lessons from U.K. Airports on Ground Access Strategies” Transportation Research Record, 1850, 70-78.

Ison, S.G. and Wall, S, (2002) Attitudes to traffic-related issues in urban areas of the UK and the role of workplace parking charges”, Journal of Transport Geography, 10(1), 21-28.

Ison, S.G., (2000) Local authority and academic attitudes to urban road pricing: a UK perspective”, Transport Policy, 7(4), 269-277.

Ison, S.G., (1998) A concept in the right place at the wrong time: congestion metering in the city of Cambridge”, Transport Policy, 5(3), 139-146.

Ison, S.G., (1998) The saleability of urban road pricing”, Journal of the Institute of Economic Affairs, 18(4), 21-25.

Ison, S.G., (1996) Pricing Road Space: Back to the Future?  The Cambridge Experience.”, Transport Reviews, 16(1), 1996, pp. 109-126.

Ison, S.G., (1996) Charging for Road Space: The Acceptability of Road Pricing”, The Review of Policy Issues, 2(4), 35-47.

Journal Special Issues Edited:

Le Pira, M,  Attard, M., and Ison, S.G., (2021) Urban Transport Planning and Policy in a changing world: bridging the gap between theory and practice, Research in Transportation Business and Management, Volume 39, June 2021

Attard, M., and Ison, S.G., (2020) Urban Transport, Volume of Research in Transportation, Business and Management, Volume 36, September 2020, Volume 36, September 2020.

Ison, S.G., and Whiteing, A., (2020) Guest Editorial: 52nd Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 43(5), 1-2.

Ison, S.G., Budd, L. and Attard, M., (2019) Women, Employment and Transport, Volume of Research in Transportation, Business and Management, Volume 31, June, 100430.

Ison, S.G., Titheridge, H., and Heydecker, B., (2019) Guest Editorial: 51st Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 42(5), 1-2.

Attard, M., Ison, S.G., and Emberger, G., (2018) Special Issue of Case Studies in Transport Policy, Transport Planning and Policy, 6(3), September 2018.

Ison, S.G. and Caulfield, B., (2018) Guest Editorial: 50th Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 41(1), February 2018, 1-2.

Ison, S.G. and Jain, J., (2017) Guest Editorial: 49th Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 40(1), February 2017, 1-2.

Budd L and Ison S.G., (2016) Low Cost Transport Operations, Research in Transportation Business and Management Volume 21, Pages 1-116 (December 2016)

Ison, S.G. and Kaparias, I., (2016) Guest Editorial: 48th Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 39(1), February 2016, 1-2.

Ison, S.G. and May, A., (2015) Urban Transport Policy, Special Issue Case Studies on Transport Policy, 3(1), March.

Ison, S.G. and Thorpe, N., (2015) Guest Editorial: 47th Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 38(1), February 2015, 1-2.

Frost, M.W., and Ison, S.G. Guest Editorial: Guided Bus, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Transport 167 June 2014 Issue TR3, Page 123

Ison, S.G. and Bonilla, D. (2014) Guest Editorial: 46th Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 37(1), February 2014, 1-2.

Ison, S.G. and Nelson, J. (2013) Guest Editorial: 45th Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 36(1), February 2013, 1-2.

Emberger, G, May, A.D., and Ison, S.G., (2012) BEITRÄGE ZU EINER ÖKOLOGISCH UND SOZIAL VERTRÄGLICHEN VERKEHRSPLANUNG, WCTRS – SIG10 Workshop, Emerging Urban Transport Policies towards Sustainability, Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften Forschungsbereich für Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik Technische Universität Wein, 14th-16th March 2012.

Ison, S.G. and Potter, S. (2012) Guest Editorial: Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 35(1), February 2012, 1-2.

May, A.D., Ison, S.G., Emberger, G., and Musso, A, (2012) Urban Transport Initiatives, Special Issue of Transport Policy, 20(1), March.

Cherrett, T., and Ison, S.G (2011) Guest Editorial: Transport in a low-carbon managed future, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Volume 164, Issue TR3, August 2011.

Ison, S.G., Marsden, G. and May A.D., (2011) Transferability of Urban Transport Policy, Special Issue of Transport Policy, 18(3) May.

Ison, S.G. and Shaw, J. (2011) Guest Editorial: Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 34(1), February 2011, 1-2.

Ison, S.G. and Potter, H., (2010) Guest Editorial: Road User Charging, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Volume 163, Issue TR2, 2010.

Ison, S.G. and Titheridge, H. (2010) Guest Editorial: Universities’ Transport Study Group, Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology, 33(1), February 2010, 1-2.

Button, K., and Ison, S.G., (2008) The economics of low-cost airlines, Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 1-84.

May, A. D. and Ison, S. G., (2008) Decision-support for sustainable urban transport strategies, Special Issue of Transport Policy, 15 (6).

Ison, S.G. and Potter, H., (2008) Guest Editorial: Road User Charging, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Volume 161, Issue TR3, 2008.

Ison, S.G. and Rye, T. (2006) (eds), Guest Editorial: Parking, Special Issue of Transport Policy, 13(6).

Conference Papers:

Arnold, T., Frost, M., Timmis, A.J., Dale, S., and Ison, S.G., Mobility Hubs: Review and Future Research Direction, TRBAM-22-01539, Transportation Research Board 101st Annual meeting, Washington D.C. January 2022.

Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., Transport Act 2000 Twenty Years On: A Role for Road User Charging and the Workplace Parking Levy, PAC (Public Administration Committee) 2021 Conference, hosted by the Local Governance Research Centre (LGRC), ¸Ô±¾ÊÓƵ, “How Place Matters? Leadership, Governance and Public Administration”, 7-8 September 2021

Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., Public Transport Integration, as part of a Special Session on the ‘Routledge Handbook of Public Transportation’ Mulley, C., Nelson, J.D and Ison, S.G., 3rd, , Sponsored by University of Texas at Austin’s Cockrell School of Engineering, Australia’s Road Research Board (ARRB), Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA), with a Co-Sponsor the U.S.’s Transportation Research Board (TRB), 5-6 August 2021.

Yilmaz, O., Frost, M., Timmis, A., and Ison, S.G., (2021). UK Employee Airport Ground Access Strategies Post-COVID: An Airport Management Perspective, presented at the 24th ATRS World Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Budd, L., Amaugo, A., Nyathi, N., and Ison, S.G., (2021) Room at the top? An exploration of the gender composition of senior management teams at UK airports, Gender, Work & Organization 2021 11th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference 30th June 2021 to 2nd July 2021 Transforming Contexts, Transforming Selves: Gender in New Times University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.

Budd, L, and Ison, S.G., “Responsible Transport for Urban Mobility in a post-COVID world”, Joint Workshop of WCTR SIG F1 & AUM, Impact of COVID-19 on transport and spatial development: How the pandemic affects urban activities and transport, 11th March, 2021.

Yilmaz, O., Frost, M.W., Timmis, A.J., Ison, S.G., "An Investigation of Airport Ground Access Strategies from A Post-Covid Perspective", TRBAM-21-03107, Transportation Research Board Annual meeting, Washington D.C. January 2021.

Formosa, N., Quddus, M.A., and Ison, S.G., Modelling Vehicle-Based Safety Threat: The Incorporation of New Factors under Uncertainty TRBAM-21-02470, Transportation Research Board Annual meeting, Washington D.C. January 2021.

Adrienne, N, Budd, L and Ison, S.G., Grounded aircraft: An airfield operations perspective of the challenges of resuming flights post-COVID, International e-Conference on Pandemics and Transport Policy – for a harmonized world, WCTRS COVID-19 Task Force, 7-11 December, 2020

Budd, L, and Ison, S.G., Responsible transport: A post-COVID agenda for future transport policy and practice, International e-Conference on Pandemics and Transport Policy – for a harmonized world, WCTRS COVID-19 Task Force, 7-11 December, 2020

Ison, S.G., Frost, M., Dale, S., and Gale, T., A Review of the usefulness of Theoretical Evaluation of Transport Interventions: The case of the Nottingham Workplace Parking Levy, AIIT 2nd International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems in a Changing World, Towards a more Sustainable, Reliable and Smarter Mobility, 23rd- 24th September 2019.

Formosa, N., Quddus, M.A., and Ison, S.G., Predicting Real-Time Traffic Conflicts Using Deep Learning, (19-04003), Transportation Research Board Annual meeting, Washington D.C. January 2019.

Budd, L, Ison, S.G, and Timmis, A., Supporting the diverse needs of special assistance (or PRM) passengers – a survey of current practice at UK airports, Air Transport Research Society, 2 -5 July 2019, Amsterdam.

McCarthy, F, Budd, L, and Ison, S.G., This is your Captain speaking: An investigation into why so few commercial airline pilots are women and what (some) airlines are trying to do to address the gender imbalance, Royal Geographical Society with IBG, 27-30 August 2019, Imperial College, London.

Mifsud. D., Attard. M., and Ison. S.G., Using Cluster Analysis to examine Older People Travel Behaviour in Malta UTSG 50th Annual Conference, University College London, 4th January 2018.

Mifsud. D., Attard. M., and Ison. S.G., Travel Disadvantage and Older People in Malta, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Cardiff University, 28-31 August 2018.

Dale, S. Frost, M., Ison, S.G., Quddus, M.A and Warren, P., (2017) Evaluating the Impact of a Workplace Parking Levy on Local Traffic Congestion: Case of Nottingham, United Kingdom, (17-00455), Transportation Research Board Annual meeting, Washington D.C. January 2017.

McCarthy, F., Budd, L.C.S. and Ison, S.G., (2017) “If you think of a Pilot, you wouldn’t think of a woman would you?”: Challenging the Male Norm of the Pilot Profession, (17-01137) Transportation Research Board Annual meeting, Washington D.C. January 2017.

Mifsud, D., Attard, M., and Ison, S.G., (2017) Determinants of Travel Behaviour for Older People in Malta, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2017.

Le Blond P, Budd L and Ison S.G., (2016) Airport planning and development in southeast England: policies, participants and procrastination (16-2002) Transportation Research Board Annual meeting, Washington D.C. January 2016

Mifsud, D., Attard, M., and Ison, S.G., (2016), Malta’s Ageing Society: Determinants affecting elderly travel behaviour, Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 29 March –2 April, 2016.

McCarthy F, Budd L and Ison S.G., (2016) Understanding the issues affecting women’s career choice to become an airline pilot: A research agenda WCTRS Conference, Shanghai, July, 2016.

Brooke, S., Ison, S.G., Quddus, M.A., 2015, Factors Influencing Parking Search Time Using Multilevel Modelling: A Case Study of East Midlands, UK (Paper 15-3870), 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, January 2015.

McCarthy, F., Budd, L.C.S., and Ison, S.G., 2015, Gender on the flightdeck: Experiences of female commercial airline pilots in the UK, 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, January 2015.

Dale, S., Frost, M., Ison, S.G., Warren, P., 2015, Evaluating transport demand management interventions using theoretical evaluation, (15-0743), 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, January 2015.

Burchell, J, Ison, S.G., Enoch, M and Quddus, M.A., 2015 Assessing the likely take up of the Workplace parking Levy as a Transport Policy Instrument in the UK, 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, January 2015.

Irvine, D.,Budd, L.C.S., Ison, S.G., Kitching, G. The climate change implications of air traffic congestion at major European airports: reconciling demand and sustainability, International Conference: Climate Change Targets and Urban Transport Policy, Valletta, Malta, 13-14 April 2015, University of Malta.

Budd, L., Ison, S. G., and Budd, T. (2015) Improving the environmental performance of Airport Surface Access in the UK: the role of public transport. Thredbo 14, Santiago, Chile 1-5 September.

Le Blond P, Budd L and Ison S.G., (2015) London’s airports – indecision, decision and counter-decision Poster presented at the RGS with IBG annual conference, London, August 2015

Brooke, S., Ison, S.G., and Quddus, M.A., Parking Search: A review, survey findings and future research direction, 46th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, Newcastle University, Newcastle, 6th-8th January 2014.

Ison, S.G., Parking Policy and Urban Mobility: Expanding Our Understanding, Emerging Issues 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, January 2014.

Brooke, S., Ison, S.G., and Quddus, M.A., Parking Search: Review and Future Research Direction, 14-1972, 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, January 2014.

Burchell, J., Ison, S.G., and Enoch, M.P., Managing Congestion: Evaluating Effectiveness of Nottingham Workplace Parking Levy, 14-1004, 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, January 2014.

Brooke, S., Ison, S.G., Quddus, M.A., On-street parking search: A UK local authority perspective, World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research, Delft, Netherlands, 24-27 June, 2014.

Ho, C., Mulley, C, Tai, P., Ison, S.G., and Wiblin, S., 2014 Area-wide travel plans – targeting strategies for greater participation in green travel initiatives: a case study of Rouse Hill Town Centre, NSW Australia, World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research, Delft, Netherlands, 24-27 June, 2014.

Titidezh, O., Quddus, M.A., Ison, S.G., Price, A.D.F., Modeling User Perception on Accessibility to Healthcare Facilities Using Statistical Methods and GIS, 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 13-4083, Washington D.C, USA, January 2013.

Khandokar, F., Ryley, T., Ison, S.G., and Price, A.D.F., Key determinants of a successful travel plan: a nationwide survey in England, 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 13-4450, Washington D.C, USA, January 2013.

Darby, P, Quddus, M.A., Raeside, R, Ison, S.G., Murray, W., Influence of Managers on Fleet Vehicle Crashes: Application of Multilevel Models, 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 13-3577, Washington D.C, USA, January 2013.

Ison S.G., Merkert, R., and Mulley, C., Public transport at airports as an environmental strategy – some diverging evidence from the UK and Australia, 17th World Conference of Air Transport Research Society ATRS 2013, Bergamo, Italy, 29th June 2013.

Ison., S.G., and Attard, M., The Smeed Report and Road Pricing: The Case of Valletta, Malta, 13th World Conference of Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 July 2013.

Ison, S.G., and Mulley, C., Hypothecation and the parking levy: Lessons from Sydney and Nottingham, 13th World Conference of Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 July 2013.

Attard, M., and Ison., S.G., Parking charges versus road user charging: The Case of Valletta, Malta, 13th World Conference of Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 July 2013.

Dale, S., Frost, M., Ison S.G., and Warren, P., Workplace Parking Levies: The answer to funding large scale local transport improvements in the UK?, Thredbo 13, 13th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, St Anne’s College, Oxford, 15th -19th September 2013.

Titidezh, O, Quddus, M.A. Ison, S.G. and Price, A Modelling Transport Accessibility to Healthcare Facilities using Statistical Methods and GIS, 44th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 4th -6th January 2012.

Gegg, P, Budd, L.C.S, Ison, S.G., Aviation Biofuel: A stakeholder perspective of the current and future issues, 44th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 4th -6th January 2012.

Darby, P, Quddus, M.A., Raeside, R, Ison, S.G., Murray, W., The influence of managers on vehicle crashes: An application of mixed models, 44th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 4th -6th January 2012.

Burchell, J., Ison, S.G., Employers Attitudes to the Workplace Parking Levy: A Case Study of Nottingham, UK, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 12-2129, Washington D.C, USA, January 2012.

Wallington, D., Murray, W., Darby, P., Raeside, R., Ison, S.G., Work-Related Road Safety: Case Study of British Telecommunications, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 12-1196, Washington D.C, USA, January 2012.

Hasan, T., Ison, S.G., Quddus, M.A., Traffic Congestion in Dhaka, Bangladesh: Role of Transport Demand Management Measures, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 12-1924, Washington D.C, USA, January 2012.

Darby, P, Quddus, M.A., Murray, W., Raeside, R, Ison, S.G., Use of Crash Clustering to Inform Fleet Road Safety, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 12-1722, Washington D.C, USA, January 2012.

Wang, C., Quddus, M.A., Ison, S.G., Factors Affecting Road Safety: A Review and Future Research Direction, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 12-1583, Washington D.C, USA, January 2012.

Budd, L.C.S, Ison, S.G., Budd, T., An Empirical Examination of the Growing Phenomenon of Off-Site Residential Car Parking Provision Around UK Airports, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 12-1061, Washington D.C, USA, January 2012.

Itoya, E., Hazell, K., Ison, S.G., El-Hamalawi, A., Frost, M.W., Framework for Carbon Emissions Evaluation of Road Maintenance, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 12-0259, Washington D.C, USA, January 2012.

Itoya, E., Hazell, K., Ison, S.G., El-Hamalawi, A., Frost, M.W., “Carbon emissions performance and the UK highway maintenance sector: a review of the issues”, Association of European Transport, European Transport Conference, Glasgow, October 2012.

Darby, P., Ison, S.G, Quddus, M., Raeside, R. and Murray, W. (2012). Influence of managers on fleet vehicle crashes: an application of mixed multilevel models. Paper presented at the 1st Occupational Safety in Transport Conference, 20-21 Sept 2012, Gold Coast, Queensland.

Wiblin, S., Mulley, C and Ison, S.G., ‘Precinct wide travel plans – Learnings from Rouse Hill Town Centre’, Paper presented at the Australasian Transport Research Forum 2012, 26 September – 29 September 2012, Perth.

Darby, P, Quddus, M.A., Raeside, R, Ison, S.G., Informing Fleet Road Safety Policy Using Crash Clustering, 43rd Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 5th -7th January 2011. 

Budd T, Ison S.G. and Ryley T Airport Surface Access in the UK: A management perspective, conference paper presented at Universities Transport Study Group 43rd Annual Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 5th-7th January 2011. 

Wang, C, Quddus, M.A., and Ison, S.G., Prediction of Accident Frequency at Their Severity Levels and Its Application in Site Ranking Using Two-Stage Mixed Multivariate Model, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 11-2510, Washington D.C, USA, January 2011.

Kendal, J, Enoch, M.P. and Ison S.G, Transport and U.K. National Parks: Issues and Policies, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 11-1400, Washington D.C, USA, January 2011.

Darby, P, Quddus, M.A. Murray, W, Raeside, R, Ison, S.G., Evaluation of Fleet Road Safety Interventions, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 11-2900, Washington D.C, USA, January 2011.

Budd, T.M.J, Ison, S.G., Ryley, T.J, Airport Ground Access: Issues and Policies, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 11-0780, Washington D.C, USA, January 2011.

Ison, S.G., Congestion Charging: Cambridge Experience, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 11-0460, Washington D.C, USA, January 2011.

Budd T, Ryley T, and Ison S.G. Sustainable travel for journeys to and from airports: a case study of Manchester Airport, poster presentation at the 9th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, 26-28 September, Eindhoven.

Darby, P, Ison, S.G., Raeside, R, How work-based interventions in large vehicle fleets can inform road safety policy, 42nd Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, University of Plymouth, 5th January 2010.

Marsden, G, Lyons, G, Anable, J, Ison, S.G., Cherrett, T and Lucas, K.,   Opportunities and options for UK transport policy, 42nd Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, University of Plymouth, 7th January 2010. Plenary Session.

Frost, M, Ison, S.G., and Watson, R., “UK Rail Transport – Matching Supply to Demand”, 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, 11th January 2010, pp 1-17.

Ison, S.G., and Attard, M., Smeed Report Requirements of a Road Pricing System: The Case Of Valletta, Malta, 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, P10-0627, Washington D.C, USA, 11th January 2010

Quddus, M.A., Modi, S, and Ison, S.G., Transport Crisis in Dhaka City, Bangladesh: Role for Introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems? 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 10-2386, Washington D.C, USA, 12th January 2010

Wang, C, Quddus, M.A., and Ison, S.G., Is traffic congestion bad for road traffic accidents? A spatio-temporal analysis of UK major roads using spatial econometrics, 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 10-0617, Washington D.C, USA, 12th January 2010

 Enoch, M, and Ison, S.G., Expert Perspective on the Future of Travel Plans: Lessons from the United Kingdom, 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 10-0127, Washington D.C, USA, 12th January 2010.

Darby, P, Murray, W, Ison, S.G, and Quddus, M.A., Levering the Differences in Crash Profiles of Fleet Drivers Using Motor Insurance Claims Data, Scottish Transport Applications and Research Conference (STAR), Glasgow, 24thMarch 2010.

Itoya, E, El-Hamalawi, A, Hazell, K, Frost, M.W, and Ison, S.G, Improving Organisations Carbon Emissions Reduction: The UK Government’s Policies Perspectives, 6th Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Conference, Penn State, USA, 9-11 June, 2010.

Davison, L, Enoch, M.P. and Ison, S.G, European Experience of Travel Plans: an Expert Perspective, 12th World Conference of Transport Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July 2010.

Murray W, Darby P, Ison S.G, and Wallington, D, Sustaining work-related road safety in the supply chain: case study of British Telecom, Logistics Research Network Conference, Leeds 8-10 September 2010.

Kendal, J, Enoch, M.P. and Ison S.G, Policy Change in Transport: Lessons from the UK, Sino-France Forum on Cities and Sustainable transport with a High level of Public Transport Service and World Conference of Transport Research Society Green Transport Conference, 3rd International Forum, Shanghai, China, 11-13 September 2010.

Wang, C. Quddus, M.A., and Ison, S.G., Road Safety and Traffic Congestion: An Analysis of the M25, 41st Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, University College London, January 2009.

Ison, S.G., ''City of Cambridge: Lessons Learned from Previous Experience with Congestion Charging'', 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington D.C, USA, 15th January 2009, pp 1-17.

Meek, S., Enoch, M.P. and Ison, S.G., ''Advancing the Concept of Car-Bus Interchange in the United Kingdom'', 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 09-0609, Washington D.C, USA, 15th January 2009, pp 1-17.

Quddus, M.A., Wang, C. and Ison, S.G., ''Impact of Road Traffic Congestion on Crash Severity Using Ordered Response Models'', 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 09-0793, Washington D.C, USA, 15th January 2009, pp 1-17.

Frost, M.W. and Ison, S.G., Implementation of a Workplace Parking Levy, Lessons from the UK, 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 09-0249, Washington D.C, USA, 15th January 2009, pp 1-17

Wang, C., Quddus, M.A. and Ison, S.G., ''Impact of traffic Congestion on Road Safety: Spatial Analysis of M25 Motorway in England'', 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 09-1201, Washington D.C, USA, 15th January 2009, pp 1-17.

Murray, W., Ison, S.G., Gallemore, P. and Singh Nijjar, H., ''Effective Occupational Road Safety Programs: Case Study of Wolseley, United Kingdom'', 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, 09-1327, Washington D.C, USA, 15th January 2009, pp 1-18.

Titidezh O, Price A, Ison S, Quddus M A and Mills, G (2009) Accessibility Modelling for Healthcare Facilities Development: A Case of Reconfiguration Using GIS Tools, 2009 ESRI Health GIS Conference, Nashville, USA.

Wang, C. Quddus, M.A., and Ison, S.G., The effects of area-wide road speed and curvature on traffic casualties in England, 40th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, Portsmouth, January 2008.

Ison, S.G., Francis, G., Humphreys, I and Rye, T., Airport Parking Management: Issues and Policies, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 07-0937, 2008, pp.1-13

Attard, M., and Ison, S.G., The Implementation of a Road User Charge – The Case of Valletta, Malta, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 08-0467, 2008, pp.1-17

Ison, S.G., and Rye, T., Role of Public Transport as a Transportation Demand Management Measure, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 07-0937, 2008, pp.1-13

Rye, T, Young, E and Ison, S.G., Using Land Use Planning Process to Secure Travel Plans, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 08-0962, 2008, pp.1-13

Laws, R, Enoch, M, Ison, S.G. and Potter, S., Demand-Responsive Transport Schemes in England and Wales and Considerations for their Future 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 08-0892, 2008, pp.1-20

Meek, S, Ison, S.G. and Enoch, M., Park and Ride: Lessons from the UK Experience, 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 08-0730, 2008, pp.1-18

Rye, T., Green, C., Young, E. and Ison, S.G., Using the Land-Use Planning Process to Secure Travel Plans: An Assessment of Progress in England to Date, Environmental Engineering The 7th International Conference, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 23rd May 2008, pp 1031-1037.

Ison, S.G. Hughes, G and Tuckwell, B Cambridge Congestion Charging: Lessons from previous experience, TDM, July 2008, Vienna, pp1-7.

Sang, KJC, Dainty, ARJ and Ison, SG (2008) The impact of self-employment on architects' job satisfaction. In (A Dainty Ed) Proceedings of the 24th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September, Cardiff. ISBN: 10: 0-9552390-1-X, pp13-22.

Laws, R., Enoch, M.P., Ison, S.G. and Potter, S. (2008) Success Factors in Delivering Inclusive DRT Services in Rural Areas. In 4th Annual Transport Applications Cymru Conference, 20th November 2008

Adbul-Wahab, MS, Dainty, ARJ and Ison, S (2008) Insights into the overlap between ConstructionSkills' footprint and other sector skills councils. In (A Dainty Ed) Proceedings of the 24th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September, Cardiff. ISBN: 10: 0-9552390-1-X, pp83-92.

Enoch, M.P., Ison, S.G. and Laws, R. 2007 DRT Schemes in England and Wales and Considerations for their Future.  39th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, Harrogate, 3rd – 5th January

Humphreys, I, Ison, S.G, Francis, G., “The Role of Government in UK Airport Policy”, Proceeding of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 07-3211, 2007, pp.1-9.

Rye, T, Ison, S.G, “European and Asian Experience of Implementing Congestion Charging: Lessons for the United States”, Proceeding of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 07-3211, 2007, pp.1-15.

Frost, M, Ison, S.G, “Modal Comparison of Noise Impacts from Urban Transport in a UK City”, Proceeding of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 07-0353, 2007, pp.1-13.

Gardiner, J, Ison, S.G, “Factors Influencing Non-Integrated Cargo Airlines’ Choice of Airport”, Proceeding of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 07-1521, 2007, pp.1-22.

Rye, T, Ison, S.G, “The Use and Impact of Maximum Parking Standards in Scotland, UK”, Proceeding of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 07-2527, 2007, pp.1-15.

Rye, T., and Ison, S.G. The importance of public attitudes in developing parking policy, 11th World Conference of Transport Research, Berkeley, US, June 2007.

Gaunt, M., Rye, T., and Ison, S.G. Implementing Congestion Charging: Lessons from Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 11th World Conference of Transport Research, Berkeley, US, June 2007.

Enoch, M.E, Ison S.G and Laws, R Demand Responsive Transport in the UK: Routes to securing a Financially Sustainable Future, Regional Studies Association, Winter Conference 2007, Transport, Mobility and Regional Development, London, November, ISBN 978-1-89-7721-33-9, pp 27-30.

Aldridge, K, Carreno, M, Ison, S.G., Rye, T, I. and Straker, I, “Car Parking Management at Airports: A Special Case?”, Proceeding of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 06-2033, 2006, pp.1-15.

Gaunt, M, Rye, T, Ison, S.G. “Gaining Public Support for Congestion Charging: Lessons from a Referendum in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Proceeding of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 06-2047, 2006, pp.1-12.

Francis, G, Dennis, N, Ison, S.G., and Humphreys, I, “The Past Present and Future of long-haul Low Cost Airline Operations”, Proceeding of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 06-0859, 2006, pp.1-15.

Anumba, C.J., Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G. and Sergeant, A., ''Integrated construction labour market planning using GIS'', Proceedings of the ASCE/CIB 2nd speciality Conference in Leadership and Management in Construction, Songer, A., Chinowsky, P. and Carillo, P.M. (Eds), Grand Bahama Island, May 2006, pp. 174-184, ISBN 0 9707869 1 3.

Francis, G., Lawrence, S., Humphreys, I.M. and Ison, S.G., ''Risking Privatisation in Air Transport'', The 8th interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, City Hall, Cardiff, July 2006, pp. 1-23.

Francis, G., Humphreys, I, Ison, S.G., “The European Union Low Cost Market: Development and Impact”, Proceeding of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC. Paper 05-0787, 2005, pp.1-16.

Straker, I, Aldridge, K, Humphreys, I. and Ison, S.G., Carreno, M, and Rye, T. “Car Parking: What can Airports learn from Universities?”, Proceeding of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC. Paper 05-1093, 2005, pp.1-18.

Ison, S.G. (2005) Market-based TDM measures and the issue of implementation. Paper to Successes and Failures of Traffic Demand Management Symposium, Napier University Merchiston Campus, August 2005.

Katherine. J. C. Sang, Andrew R. J. Dainty and Stephen G. Ison, Job-related well-being in the architectural profession: An exploratory study. Paper presented to the CIB WO96 conference, Lyngby University, Denmark, 2-4 November, 2005, pp.1-11.

Abdel-Wahab M.S., Dainty A.R.J., Ison S.G., Bryer, L. and Hazlehurst G.
(2005) Productivity, Skills, Training: a problem of definition? Proceedings
of the Second Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built
and Natural Environment, 207-215, 16th - 17th November 2005, Glasgow
Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK. ISBN 1-903661-82-X

Gardiner, J., Humphreys, I. and Ison, S.G., “Multifarious Nature of Air Cargo Operators' Choice of Airport”, Proceeding of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 04-3644, 2004, pp.1-17.

Francis, G., Humphreys, I. and Ison, S.G., “Investigation of Relationships between airports and low cost airlines”, Proceeding of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 04-3204, 2004, pp.1-26.

Enoch, M., Potter, S, Ison, S.G., and Humphreys, I., “The role of hypothecation in financing transit: Lessons from the UK”, Proceeding of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 04-3650, 2004, pp.1-16.

Rye, T., Cowan, T., and Ison, S.G., “Expansion of Controlled Parking Zone and Its Influence on Modal Split: The Case of Edinburgh, Scotland, and its Relevance Elsewhere”, Proceeding of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. Paper 04-3117, 2004, pp.1-18.

Anumba, C.J., Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G. and Sergeant, A., “The utilisation of GIS in the Construction Labour Market Planning Process”, COBRA, Leeds, 2004, ISBN:1842191993.

Rye, T. and Ison, S.G., “Imperfect implementation in the UK rail sector: the case of Business Park station”, World Conference of Transport Research, Istanbul, July 2004, pp. 1-10.

Ison, S.G. and Rye, T., “Workplace car parking charges: an assessment of their implementability and their effects”, World Conference of Transport Research, Istanbul, July 2004, pp. 1-13.

Humphreys, I.M., Ison, S.G., Francis, G. and Enoch, M.P., “UK Airport Surface Access: the role of targets and instruments”, World Conference of Transport Research, Istanbul, July 2004, pp. 1-14.

Enoch, M.P. and Ison, S.G., “Limiting car use through controls on private parking providers - a policy-oriented analysis”, World Conference of Transport Research, Istanbul, July 2004, pp. 1-16.

Enoch, M.P., Potter, S. and Ison, S.G., “Recapturing value from property owners and developers to finance transport: a review of possible mechanisms”, Association of European Transport, European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, October 2004, pp. 1-20.

Humphreys, I.M. and Ison, S.G., “Ground access strategies: lessons from UK airports”, Proceedings of the 82nd Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., USA, Paper No. 03-2220, 2003, pp. 1-23.

Humphreys, I.M., Francis, G. and Ison, S.G., “Examination of Risk Transfer in Airport Privatization”, Proceedings of the 82nd Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., USA, Paper No. 03-2221, 2003, pp. 1-22.

Anumba, C, Dainty, A.R.J, and Ison, S.G. and Sergeant, A., (2003) “Towards GIS-based Employment and Training Needs Forecasting in the Construction Industry”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Post Graduate Research Conference, Lisbon Portugal. pp.259-267.

Sang, K.J.C., Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G. and Arnott, M., “Investigation the impact of skills and the workforce composition on the performance of the UK construction industry”, 1st Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Build and Natural Environment, Egbu, C. and Tong, M. (Eds), Glasgow Caledonian University, 2003, pp. 135-145, ISBN 1 903661 50 1.

Rye, T., Ison, S.G., and Santos, G., Implementing road pricing perfectly: will London confirm the theory?, Association of European Transport, European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, October 2003, pp. 1-17, ISBN 0-86050-342-9.

Ison, S.G. and Rye, T., “Failed Schemes in Pricing”, International Symposium on Road Pricing, Key Biscayne, Florida, November 2003, pp. 1-16.

Dainty, A.R., Ison, S.G. and McLachlan, S., “Identifying skills shortages and recruitment difficulties in the East Midlands: the role and process of research”, Learning and Skills Research Network Research Conference, Nottingham, 2002.

Rye, T. and Ison, S.G., “Lessons from travel planning and road user charging for policy-making: through imperfection to implementation”, World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Special Interest Group 10, Urban Transport Policy Instruments, First Annual Conference, Leeds, July 2002.

Humphreys, I.M. and Ison, S.G., “The role of airport surface access strategies as a means of reducing car dependency for airport access trips?”, Association of European Transport, European Transport Conference, Cambridge, September 2002, pp. 1-19, ISBN 0-86050-340-2.

Ison, S.G. and Rye, T., “Lessons from travel planning and road user charging for policy-making: through imperfection to implementation”, Implementing Reform on Transport Pricing: Constraints and solutions: learning from best practice, Imprint-Europe www.imprint.eu.org, Brussels, October 2002, pp. 1-20.

Ison, S.G., “Local Authority and Academic Attitudes to urban road pricing: a UK perspective”, 31st Universities Transport Study Group 2000 Conference, University of Liverpool, January 2000.

Ison, S.G., “Local Authority and Academic Attitudes to Urban Road Pricing: United Kingdom's Perspective”, Transportation Research Board, 79th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, January 2000.

Ison, S.G., “A concept in the right place at the wrong time: congestion metering in the city of Cambridge”, 29th Universities Transport Study Group Conference, University of Dublin, Trinity College, January 1998, pp. 1-20.

Ison, S.G., “Congestion metering in the city of Cambridge: a case of so near and yet so far?”, Transportation Research Board, 77th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, January 1998.

Ison, S.G., “Pedestrianisation - a historic city perspective”, Streets Ahead, International Conference on the Environmental, Human and Economic Aspects of Street Management and Design, University of the West of England, Bristol, April 1995.

Ison, S.G., “Electronic Road Pricing in an historic city: the case of Cambridge”, European Commission's PHARE ACE programme, Alternative approaches to the provision and financing of local public transport services in the Baltic States, University of Liverpool, May 1995.

Ison, S.G., “The use of Transport Studies as a forum for greening the curriculum' through collaboration”, The Greening of Higher Education Council, The First Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference on 'The Greening of Higher Education', Roehampton Institute, London, September 1995.

Ison, S.G., “Acceptable Road Pricing: a three-step process”, Transportation Research Forum, Chicago, October 1995, pp. 125-140.

Ison, S.G. and Hughes, G., “Reclaiming the City - a guide to the management of traffic in historic cities”, 22nd European Transport Forum, Planning and Transport Research and Computation (PTRC), University of Warwick, September 1994, pp. 143-158.


Mulley, C, Nelson, J and Ison, S.G. (Eds.) (2021) The Routledge Handbook of Public Transport, Routledge

Budd L and Ison S.G., (Eds.) (2020) Air Transport Management: An International Perspective 2nd edition, Abingdon, Routledge

Budd, L. and Ison, S. (Eds.) (2020) Aviation Law and Regulation Volume 1 of The International Library of Essays on Aviation Policy and Management Abingdon, Taylor and Francis

Budd, L. and Ison, S.G. (Eds.) (2020) Aviation Planning and Operations Volume 2 of The International Library of Essays on Aviation Policy and Management Abingdon, Taylor and Francis

Budd, L. and Ison, S.G. (Eds.) (2020) Aviation Business Strategy Volume 3 of The International Library of Essays on Aviation Policy and Management Abingdon, Taylor and Francis

Budd, L. and Ison, S.G. (Eds.) (2020) Aviation Performance and Productivity Volume 4 of The International Library of Essays on Aviation Policy and Management Abingdon, Taylor and Francis

Budd, L. and Ison, S.G. (Eds.) (2020) Aviation Social and Economic Impacts Volume 5 of The International Library of Essays on Aviation Policy and Management Abingdon, Taylor and Francis

Budd, L. and Ison, S.G. (Eds.) (2020) Aviation Design and Innovation Volume 6 of The International Library of Essays on Aviation Policy and Management Abingdon, Taylor and Francis

Cowie, J and Ison, S.G. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Transport Economics, Routledge, 2017.

Budd, L. and Ison, S.G., (Eds.) Air Transport Management: An International Perspective Abingdon, Taylor and Francis, 2016.

Ison, S.G., and Mulley, C, (eds), Parking: Issues and Policies, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp 442, 2014.

Budd, L. and Ison, S.G. (eds) Low Cost Carriers Emergence, Expansion and Evolution, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014.

Cowie, J., Ison, S.G., Rye, T., and Riddington, G., 2009, The Economics of Transport, A Theoretical and Applied Perspective, Routledge, pp 400, ISBN: 978-0-415-41980-2

Ison, S.G. and Rye, T. (eds), The Implementation and Effectiveness of Transport Demand Management Measures: An International Perspective, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot, 2008, pp. 262, ISSN: 978-0-7546-4953-3.

Book Chapters:

Budd L and Ison S.G., (2020), An Introduction to Air Transport Management in Budd, L and Ison S (Eds.) Air Transport Management: An International Perspective Abingdon, Routledge.

Ison, S.G., and Budd, L., (2020), Airline regulation and deregulation in Budd, L and Ison S (Eds.) Air Transport Management: An International Perspective Abingdon, Routledge.

Budd L and Ison S.G., (2020), Airfield design, configuration and management in Budd, L and Ison S (Eds.) Air Transport Management: An International Perspective Abingdon, Routledge.

Ison, S.G., and Budd, L., Parking, Encyclopaedia of Transportation, Elsevier [forthcoming 2020]

Ison, S.G., and Budd, L., Workplace Parking Levy, Encyclopaedia of Transportation, Elsevier [forthcoming 2020]

Budd, L, and Ison, S.G., Air Transport, Encyclopaedia of Transportation, Elsevier, [forthcoming 2020]

Ison, S.G., and Budd, L., The Routledge Handbook of Public Transport Integration, [forthcoming 2020]

Budd, L, and Ison, S.G., The Routledge Handbook of Public Transport Air passenger services, [forthcoming 2020]

Rye, T, and Ison, S.G., The European and Asian experience of implementing congestion charging: its applicability to the United States, 2008, In Road Congestion Pricing in Europe, Implications for the United States, Edited by Richardson, H.W and Chang-Hee Christine Bae, Edward Elgar, 272-292.

Ison, S.G., and Rye, T., TDM Measures and their Implementation, 2008, In The Implementation and Effectiveness of Transport Demand Management Measures: An International Perspective, Edited by Ison, S.G., and Rye, T., Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot, 2008, pp. 262, ISSN: 978-0-7546-4953-3.

Ison, S.G., “Applied Economics”, Chapter 11 Transport, Griffiths, A. and Wall, S. (Eds), 12th edition, 2012, ISBN13: 9780273736905.

Graham, A., and Ison, S.G., 2014, “The Role of Airports in Air Transport.” In “Geographies of Air Transport”, Edited by Goetz, A., and Budd, L., Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot, 2014, 81-101.  

Ison, S.G., and Mulley, C, 2014, Introduction, chapter 1, Parking: Issues and Policies, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp 1-9.  

Brooke, S., Ison, S.G., and Quddus, M.A., 2014, Parking Choice, chapter 6, Parking: Issues and Policies, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp 115-135.  

Ison, S.G., Mulley, C, Mifsud, A and Chinh Ho, 2014, A Parking Space Levy: A Case Study of Sydney, Australia, chapter 14, Parking: Issues and Policies, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp 317-333.  

Dale, S., Frost, M., Gooding, J., Ison, S.G., and Warren, P., 2014, A Case Study of the Introduction of a Workplace Parking Levy in Nottingham, chapter 15, Parking: Issues and Policies, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp 335-360.  

Mulley, C., and Ison, S.G., 2014, Conclusions, chapter 18, Parking: Issues and Policies, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp 409-416.  

Budd, L.C.S., and Ison, S.G., 2015, Air Cargo Mobilities, Past, present and future, chapter 10, Cargo Mobilities Moving materials in a global age, Routledge, edited by Birtchnell, T., Savitzky, S and Urry, J., pp163-179.

Ison, S.G., and Budd, L.C.S., 2016, Parking, chapter 9, Handbook on Transport and Urban Planning in the Developed World, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, edited by Bliemer, C.J., Mulley, C., and Moutou, C., pp 145-161.

Budd L and Ison S.G., 2017, An Introduction to Air Transport Management in Budd, L and Ison S (Eds.) Air Transport Management: An International Perspective Abingdon, Taylor and Francis

Budd L and Ison S.G., 2017, An Introduction to Air Transport Management in Budd, L and Ison S (Eds.) Air Transport Management: An International Perspective Abingdon, Taylor and Francis

Budd L and Ison S.G., 2017, Airfield design, configuration and management in Budd, L and Ison S (Eds.) Air Transport Management: An International Perspective Abingdon, Taylor and Francis

Cowie, J and Ison, S.G. (eds) Introduction chapter 1 The Routledge Handbook of Transport Economics, Routledge, 2017.

Mifsud, D., Attard, M., and Ison S.G.,  2017, chapter 4 Walking: Connecting Sustainable Transport with Health Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 65 – 91.

Budd, L and Ison, S.G., 2018, The Airport Industry, chapter 4 The Routledge Companion to Air Transport Management, Routledge, pp. 48-59.

Ison, S.G., and Budd, L., Demand Management and Capacity Planning of Airports, Encyclopaedia of Transportation, Elsevier [forthcoming 2020]

Budd, L, and Ison, S.G., The Geography of Air Transport, Encyclopaedia of Transportation, Elsevier, [forthcoming 2020]

Budd, L, and Ison, S.G., Air Freight Marketing, Encyclopaedia of Transportation, Elsevier, [forthcoming 2020]

Internet Publications:

Budd, L.C.S., and Ison, S.G., Air travel restrictions won’t protect us from the coronavirus, The Conversation, 6th February 2020. Full text:


Budd, L.C.S., and Ison, S.G., (2020) Roundtable: How should Air Traffic Control Attract New Talent, Airport Industry Review,

Budd, L and Ison, S (2014) Cheap transatlantic flights could be coming to an airport near you. Washington Post Full text:

Budd, L and Ison, S (2014) Norwegian Airlines joins the quest to offer cheap transatlantic flights. Full text:

Budd, L and Ison, S (2014) Budget transatlantic flights are a tough nut to crack. The Conversation. Full text:


Government Office of Science: Future of Mobility: Evidence Review

Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., (2019) The UK domestic air transport system: how and why is it changing?

Aviation 2050 — the future of UK aviation consultation: consumers reports

Timmis, A., Ison, S.G., and Budd, L. (2018) Briefing note prepared for the Department for Transport International comparison of disruptive passenger prevalence.

Ison, S.G., Budd, L., and Timmis, A, (2018) Briefing note prepared for the Department for Transport International comparisons of UK border/immigration satisfaction.

Ison, S.G., Budd, L., and Timmis, A. (2018) Briefing note prepared for the Department for Transport International comparisons of EU Regulation 261 enforcement.

Ison, S.G., Parking Management Policy: its potential in improving urban traffic flows 21st ACEA, Scientific Advisory Group Report, European Automobile Manufacturers Association, March 2014, www.acea.be

Ison, S G., Mills, G., Price, A., Quddus, M, Titidezh, O and Adamu, Z, Loughborough and Hinkley Hospitals: Travel and Access Report, October 2009.

Frost, M. W., Ison, S G., Watson, R., Rail Transport: Matching Supply to Demand, A Review of Railway Capacity Issues, July 2009, pp1-30, Construction Industry Research and Information Association CIRIA.

Ison, S G., and Frost, M. W., A Review of Road Transport Demand Management, November 2008, pp1-18, Construction Industry Research and Information Association CIRIA.

Enoch, M.P. and Ison, S.G., Expert Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future of Travel Plans in the UK, October 2008, pp 1-44, Department for Transport and the National Business Travel Network.

Enoch, M.P. and Ison, S.G., Mainstreaming Travel Plans in the UK: Policy Proposals for Government, October 2008, pp 1-23, Department for Transport and the National Business Travel Network.

Enoch, M., Ison, S.G., Laws, R, and Zhang, J Evaluation Study of Demand Responsive Transport Services in Wiltshire, June 2006, pp 64, Loughborough University.

Aldridge, K., Ison, S.G., Humphreys, I.M., and Rye, T., BAA Heathrow Employee surface access, parking and demand management – Final Recommendations, December 2004, pp 86, Loughborough University/University of Napier, Edinburgh.

Aldridge, K., Ison, S.G., Humphreys, I.M., and Rye, T., BAA Heathrow Best Practice in Incentivisation and Disincentivisation in Travel Planning, Phase 3 report, Survey and Focus Groups, April 2004, pp 74, Loughborough University/University of Napier, Edinburgh.

Aldridge, K., Ison, S.G., Humphreys, I.M., and Rye, T., BAA Heathrow Incentivisation and Disincentivisation in Travel Planning, Phase 2 report, Case Studies, March 2004, pp 80, Loughborough University/University of Napier, Edinburgh.

Aldridge, K., Ison, S.G., Humphreys, I.M., and Rye, T., BAA Heathrow Review of parking technology available at Heathrow and its implications for travel planning, March 2004, pp 21, Loughborough University/University of Napier, Edinburgh.

Ison, S.G., Humphreys, I.M., and Rye, T., BAA Heathrow Best Practice in Incentivisation and Disincentivisation and in parking management, October 2003, pp 73, Loughborough University/University of Napier, Edinburgh.

Ison, S.G., Humphreys, I.M., and Rye, T., (2003) BAA Heathrow Scoping Study: Potential Research in staff and passenger transport, pp 30, Loughborough University/ University of Napier, Edinburgh.

Dainty, A.R.J., Ison, S.G., and Root, D.S., (2003) Bridging the Gap: East Midlands. A Report to the Learning and Skills Council, Nottinghamshire. Commissioned by the East Midlands Development Agency, the Learning and Skills Council, the Construction Industry Training Board and the Learning and Skills Development Agency.

Dainty, A.R.J., and Ison, S.G., (2003) Constructing Nottinghamshire: A Skills Requirement Analysis. A Report to the Learning and Skills Council, Nottinghamshire. Commissioned by the CITB and the Nottinghamshire Learning and Skills Council.

Rye, T. and Ison, S.G., Implementation of Car Parking Charges at Workplaces in the UK: Case Studies, 2002, pp. 1-22, Nottingham City Council.

Key articles information

Enoch, M.P. and Ison, S.G., Mainstreaming Travel Plans in the UK: Policy Proposals for Government, October 2008, pp 1-23, Department for Transport and the National Business Travel Network.

Enoch, M.P. and Ison, S.G., Expert Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future of Travel Plans in the UK, October 2008, pp 1-44, Department for Transport and the National Business Travel Network.

Ison, S G., and Frost, M. W., A Review of Road Transport Demand Management, November 2008, pp1-18, Construction Industry Research and Information Association CIRIA.

Frost, M. W., Ison, S G., Watson, R., Rail Transport: Matching Supply to Demand, A Review of Railway Capacity Issues, July 2009, pp1-30, Construction Industry Research and Information Association CIRIA.

Ison, S G., Mills, G., Price, A., Quddus, M, Titidezh, O and Adamu, Z, Loughborough and Hinkley Hospitals: Travel and Access Report, October 2009.

Aviation 2050 — the future of UK aviation consultation: consumers reports:

Timmis, A., Ison, S.G., and Budd, L. (2018) Briefing note prepared for the Department for Transport International comparison of disruptive passenger prevalence.

Ison, S.G., Budd, L., and Timmis, A. (2018) Briefing note prepared for the Department for Transport International comparisons of EU Regulation 261 enforcement.

Ison, S.G., Budd, L., and Timmis, A, (2018) Briefing note prepared for the Department for Transport International comparisons of UK border/immigration satisfaction.

Government Office of Science: Future of Mobility: Evidence Review

Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., The UK domestic air transport system: how and why is it changing?, 2019

Consultancy work

Aviation 2050 — the future of UK aviation consultation: consumers reports:

Timmis, A., Ison, S.G., and Budd, L. (2018) Briefing note prepared for the Department for Transport International comparison of disruptive passenger prevalence.

Ison, S.G., Budd, L., and Timmis, A. (2018) Briefing note prepared for the Department for Transport International comparisons of EU Regulation 261 enforcement.

Ison, S.G., Budd, L., and Timmis, A, (2018) Briefing note prepared for the Department for Transport International comparisons of UK border/immigration satisfaction.

Government Office of Science: Future of Mobility: Evidence Review.

Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., The UK domestic air transport system: how and why is it changing?, 2019.

Current research students

Official External Supervisor:

Nicolette Formosa, Full Time, Autonomous Vehicles, 10/16-09/19

Tim Gale, Full Time, ULEVs,

Oguzhan Yilmaz, Full Time, Airport Service Access, 10/18-10/21


Dennis Llewellyn McCall Jr, Full Time, Towards Responsible Aviation: Reconciling Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability in the Caribbean, 10/20-09/23

Professional esteem indicators

  • Expert Panel Member of the Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise, ICCAN, 11th February, 2020 –
  • Supervised 20 PhD students to successful completion
  • Edited/co-edited 25 Journal Special Issues
  • Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Research in Transportation Business and Management, Elsevier.
  • Associate Editor of the Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, Taylor and Francis.
  • Founding Book series editor of Transport and Sustainability, Emerald.
  • Co-Founding Book series editor Contemporary Issues in Air Transport, Elsevier.
  • Journal of Transport Policy Editorial board.
  • Oral Evidence to Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, Scottish Parliament on the Workplace Parking Levy.
  • External Examiner for the viva’s of16 PhD students.
  • External Examiner for 8 UK University Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes January 1996- October 2022.

Case studies

Implementation of the workplace parking levy:

Dale, S., Ison, S.G., Frost, M., and Budd, L., (2020) The Impact of the Nottingham Workplace Parking Levy on Travel to Work Mode Share, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 7, 749-760.

Burchell, J., Ison, S.G., Enoch, M, and Budd, L., (2020) Assessing the likely take up of the Workplace Parking Levy as a Transport Policy Instrument, Journal of Transport Geography, 80, 102543.

Oral Evidence on workplace parking levy to Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, The Scottish Parliament, 22nd May 2019.

Dale, S., Frost, M., Ison, S.G., Nettleship, K., and Warren, P, (2017) An evaluation of the economic and business investment impact of an integrated package of public transport improvements funded by a Workplace Parking Levy, Transportation Research A,

Dale, S., Frost, M., Ison, S.G., Quddus, M.A and Warren, P, Evaluating the Impact of a Workplace Parking Levy on Local Traffic Congestion: The Case of Nottingham, UK, Transport Policy, 59, 153-164.

Burchell, J., Ison, S.G., and Enoch, M. E., The Smeed Report Fifty Years On: A Role for the Workplace Parking Levy?, Transportation Planning and Technology, 38(1), 62-77.

Dale, S., Frost, M.W., Ison, S.G., and Warren, P., 2014 Workplace Parking Levies: The Answer to Funding large Scale Local Transport Improvement in the UK?  Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 48, 410-421

Dale, S., Frost, M., Gooding, J., Ison, S.G., and Warren, P., 2014, A Case Study of the Introduction of a Workplace Parking Levy in Nottingham, chapter 15, Parking: Issues and Policies, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp 335-360.  



Budd and Ison Low Cost CarriersCowie and IsonIson and MulleyIson and Rye


Stephen Ison is the Founding Editor of . The Journal has a 2021 Impact Factor of 2.740.