
Dr Kylie Baldwin

Job: Senior Lecturer

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Allied Health Sciences

Address: De Montfort, University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH.

T: +44 (0)116 257 7735

E: KBaldwin@dmu.ac.uk

W: /hls


Personal profile

Kylie Baldwin is a Sociologist with an interest in women’s health, reproduction, (in)fertility, gender and reproductive technologies.

She completed her doctoral research at 冈本视频 in 2016 which explored women’s use and experience of a new form of fertility preservation: social egg freezing. Her work has received significant coverage in the news media and has been discussed on the BBC, in the Guardian, The Times and Daily Mail. Kylie currently teaches on the Sociology and Health Studies programme at 冈本视频.

Research group affiliations

Publications and outputs

  • dc.title: You feel like you鈥檙e fairly disadvantaged with an advert over your head saying, "in final years of reproduction鈥': Social egg freezing, dating and the (unequal) sexual politics of reproductive ageing. dc.contributor.author: Baldwin, K. dc.description.abstract: Recent decades have seen an increasing gap occurring between the 鈥榙esired鈥 and 鈥榓ctual鈥 family size of middle-class and professional women, this 鈥榰nrealised fertility鈥 and 鈥榠ncomplete families鈥 have implications at a population, but also at the couple and individual level. This paper explores the way in which contemporary middle-class professional women make decisions about partnering and parenthood which are shaped by a contemporary neoliberal feminist discourse which articulates the possibility of 鈥榟aving it all鈥 by engaging in careful life planning, appropriate self-investment and through drawing on new technologies of reproductive biomedicine. Drawing on semi structured interviews with women at two different time points during their (non)reproductive journeys, it explores how these women approach and experience the process of relationship formation both as young professionals but also in the face of age-related fertility decline and examines how their use of social egg freezing shape their romantic and family building expectations but also their interactions with (potential) partners. In doing so it explores how gendered cultural dating scripts and unequal gender power relations shape the formation and progression of intimate relationships which sometimes work to disempower women as they age. It therefore questions whether egg freezing may be the 鈥榞reat equaliser鈥 that some may otherwise have hoped. dc.description: The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.

  • dc.title: On Ice: the impact of vitrification on the use of eggs in fertility treatment dc.contributor.author: Baldwin, K.; Gray, D.; Hudson, Nicky dc.description.abstract: The possibility to freeze sperm and embryos has long been available to men and women facing infertility as a result of an illness or medical treatment. However, the ability to successfully cryopreserve human eggs is comparatively recent. The introduction and increasing use of egg vitrification from the mid-2000s onwards, alongside the use of ICSI, has seen improved on-going clinical pregnancy rates compared to slow freezing methods. Despite concerns, the technology has been widely embraced by the scientific community and in recent years has been applied in a greater variety of contexts. In this short commentary paper, we consider two specific applications for the vitrification of human eggs in routine assisted reproduction practice: social egg freezing and the use of frozen eggs in egg donation. We suggest that vitrification is transforming the reproductive landscape in novel and complex ways and that we must be alert to the challenges, complexities and ethics of such developments, especially for those who may be excluded or marginalised by these techniques. dc.description: open access article

  • dc.title: Egg freezing, fertility and reproductive choice: negotiating responsibility, hope and modern motherhood dc.contributor.author: Baldwin, K. dc.description: Open Access Book

  • dc.title: The biomedicalisation of reproductive ageing: reproductive citizenship and the gendering of fertility risk dc.contributor.author: Baldwin, K. dc.description.abstract: The demographic shift currently being observed across many Western countries towards older-parenthood has contributed to increasing concerns about the risks posed by age-related fertility decline, particularly in women. These concerns pertain to the increased risk of infertility, pregnancy loss, and genetic abnormalities occurring in the foetus as well as greater physical risks to the potential mother during pregnancy and birth. Concerns about the effects of reproductive ageing have occurred alongside the emergence of variety of 鈥榝ertility monitoring鈥 and 鈥榝ertility extension鈥 technologies (FMETs) such as ovarian reserve testing and social egg freezing. In this paper I will explore the emergence of these new FMETs and will demonstrate how these new technologies are part of, and are contributing towards, a shift in the way reproductive ageing is perceived and represented, not as a natural inevitability but as a pathological liability in need of monitoring and management. I will show how, by rendering fertility risk 鈥榲isible鈥, new and highly gendered anxieties are emerging creating new burdens and responsibilities on women to consider drawing upon highly commercialised biomedical interventions in the pursuit of biogenetic motherhood. I will also examine how, in the current neoliberal moment, these fertility risk individualising technologies can be experienced as highly compelling for potential users due to the ways in which they offer women the opportunity to achieve the goals of hegemonic femininity whilst demonstrating ideals associated with reproductive citizenship. dc.description: The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.

  • dc.title: Reproduction research: From complexity to methodological innovation dc.contributor.author: Buhler, N; Daly, I; Hudson, Nicky; Baldwin, K.; Herbrand, C.

  • dc.title: Stage Play Review: The Egg Rumour dc.contributor.author: Baldwin, K. dc.description.abstract: na dc.description: The file attached to this record is the author's final version.

  • dc.title: Women鈥檚 experience of social egg freezing: perceptions of success, risks, and 鈥榞oing it alone鈥 dc.contributor.author: Baldwin, K.; Culley, Lorraine dc.description.abstract: Abstract Objective: To explore how female users of social egg freezing technology reported their experience of freezing eggs for 鈥榮ocial鈥 reasons. Background: Very few studies have explored women鈥檚 experiences of social egg freezing. The limited primary research on this topic has suggested that users find the process of freezing eggs emotionally challenging. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 31 women who identified as undergoing egg freezing for social reasons. Interviews lasted between 40 minutes and two hours, were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using thematic analysis assisted by Nvivo 10. Results: Women employed multiple concepts of egg freezing 'success'. They reported a lack of detailed discussion of post-freezing processes and outcomes in their encounters with clinicians, and, contrary to the recommendations of professional associations, were not given clinic or age specific information. Few perceived freezing as involving physical risks. However, many participants reported the process of egg freezing as emotionally challenging, primarily linked to feelings of isolation and stigma due to their single status Conclusion Participants were generally satisfied with the treatment they received from clinics. However, they expressed a desire for more detailed information about potential outcomes from egg freezing and suggested ways in which clinics might address the emotional challenges of undertaking this process as an unpartnered person. dc.description: The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.

  • dc.title: Running out of time: Exploring women鈥檚 motivations for social egg freezing dc.contributor.author: Baldwin, K.; Hudson, Nicky; Culley, Lorraine; Mitchell, H. dc.description.abstract: Objective: Few qualitative studies have explored women鈥檚 use of social egg freezing. Derived from an interview study of 31 participants, this paper explores the motivations of women using this technology. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 31 users of social egg freezing resident in the UK (n= 23), USA (n=7) and Norway (n=1). Interviews were face to face (n=16), through Skype and Facetime (n=9) or by telephone (n=6). Data were analysed using interpretive thematic analysis. Results: Women鈥檚 use of egg freezing was shaped by fears of running out of time to form a conventional family, difficulties in finding a partner and concerns about 鈥榩anic partnering鈥, together with a desire to avoid future regrets and blame. For some women, use of egg freezing was influenced by recent fertility or health diagnoses as well as critical life events. A fifth of the participants also disclosed an underlying fertility or health issue as affecting their decision. Conclusion: The study provides new insights in to the complex motivations women have for banking eggs. It identifies how women鈥檚 use of egg freezing was an attempt to 鈥榩reserve fertility鈥 in the absence of the particular set of 鈥榣ife conditions鈥 they regarded as crucial for pursuing parenthood. It also demonstrates that few women were motivated by a desire to enhance their career and that the boundaries between egg freezing for medical and for social reasons may be more porous than first anticipated. dc.description: The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.

  • dc.title: STAGE PLAY REVIEW- Eggistentialism by Joanne Ryan at the Arcola Theatre, London dc.contributor.author: Baldwin, K. dc.description: The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. Open access journal

  • dc.title: Conceptualising women's motivations for social egg freezing and experience of reproductive delay dc.contributor.author: Baldwin, K. dc.description.abstract: As the average age of motherhood in many Western countries continues to rise, the spectacle of the older mother and the trend towards delayed childbearing has been the subject of much public debate and interest. Concurrent to this trend has been the development and use of a new form of fertility preservation-social egg freezing- a technology which by its very nature is meant to enable reproductive delay. Whilst previous studies have been able to provide insights into the complex and often interrelating structural, economic, and relational factors shaping the timing of motherhood, and in some cases women鈥檚 use of social egg freezing, fewer studies have clearly demonstrated the way these factors themselves, as well as the accounts of individual women, can be seen as being shaped by ideological and discursive forces. Drawing on interviews with 31 users of social egg freezing this paper will demonstrate how women鈥檚 accounts of reproductive delay and use of egg freezing technology can be seen as being shaped by neoliberal rationality, heteronormativity, discourses of 鈥榓ppropriate parenting鈥 and gendered ideologies of parenthood. dc.description: The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version.


Research interests/expertise

  • Sociology of Health, Illness and Medicine
  • Social Egg Freezing
  • Fertility Preservation
  • Ageing and Fertility
  • Infertility and Involuntary Childlessness
  • Users experience of Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Areas of teaching

Kylie lectures on the programme delivering modules on Medical Sociology, Gender and Health, and Research Methods.


  • BA Sociology (First Class) University of Leicester
  • MSc Social Research (Merit) University of Leicester
  • PhD Sociology (2016)

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Member of British Sociological Association
  • Co-convenor of the British Sociological Association Human Reproduction Study Group
  • Committee member of BSA Medical Sociology Group

Conference attendance

    Selected Conference Attendance:
  • Metric Culture: The Quantified Self and Beyond conference, Aarhus University, Denmark, 7  June 2017, 'Reproductive citizenship: monitoring risk and managing responsibility'

  • British Sociology Association Medical Sociology Pre-Conference Early Career Event, University of York, 12 September 2017, (Invited Speaker) 'Research fellowships and funding'
  • British Sociological Association Annual Medical Sociology Conference, Aston University 9th September 2016, 'Compelled to try: social egg freezing and reproductive citizenship'

  • Reproductive rights, new reproductive technologies and the European fertility market, 19-20 November 2015 Santander, Spain, 'Social egg freezing: a rational market choice?'

  • 2nd International Symposium on Social Egg Freezing, Barcelona 6th March 2015, 'The importance and relevance of 'critical experiences’ in understanding women's motivations for social egg freezing: experiences from the UK'

  • Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Goettingen University, Germany, Postponed Motherhood and the Ethics of the Family-14th October 2014 at Goettingen University, Germany. 'Frozen futures: The profile and motivations of women who freeze their eggs for ‘social’ reasons'

Professional esteem indicators

  • Reviewer for: Human Fertility, Human Reproduction, Reproductive Biomedicine Online, Health Risk and Society, Sociology of Health and Illness, Youth Studies, Sage Books, Women’s Health.
  • External examiner at The University of Winchester and The Open University
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Media interest and publicity 

Kylie's research has received widespread media attention and has featured in the following outputs: , , BBC Radio 4, BBC World, , , and The Pool.

Selected invited speaking:

  • Invited speaker for the British Sociological Association MedSoc Early Career Pre-Conference event 12th September 2017
  • Guest contributor/researcher BBC Radio 4 Documentary- ‘The Great Egg Freeze’
  • Invited Speaker/panel member for Timeless Public Debate: ‘Can women have it all?’ Funded by the LSE and Wellcome Trust, London, March 2016
  • Invited Speaker for the British Science Festival 2016 Scientific Section Presidential Address. Swansea University 7th September 2016 ‘Social egg freezing: motherhood on ice?’
  • Invited speaker for SmartEgg Event, London, ‘Egg freezing 101’ 7th February 2017
Kylie Baldwin