How are we influenced by the people we spend time with in business?

The people we surround ourselves with wield a profound influence on our success, behaviour, and mindset. It’s often referred to as the social proximity effect.

Published on 08 September 2024

The power of professional networks

Professional networks are the lifeblood of career growth. They provide opportunities for learning, mentorship, and support. When you spend time with successful, motivated individuals, their energy and drive can be contagious. For example, if you’re part of a network that includes accomplished marketers who are constantly sharing innovative strategies, you’re likely to absorb these ideas and integrate them into your own work.

Conversely, if your network is predominantly composed of individuals who are complacent or disengaged, you might find yourself falling into similar patterns. The people we surround ourselves with often act as a mirror, reflecting and reinforcing our own attitudes and behaviours.

Mentorship and role models

One of the most direct ways we are influenced by those we spend time within business is through mentorship. A good mentor can provide invaluable guidance, helping you navigate challenges and make informed decisions. They can also serve as role models, exemplifying the behaviours and attitudes that lead to success.

Consider the impact of having a mentor who is an exceptional communicator. By observing their interactions and receiving feedback from them, you can develop your own communication skills. This influence extends beyond mere imitation; it fosters a deeper understanding of why certain approaches work, enabling you to apply these principles in varied contexts.

Collaborative Influence

Collaboration is at the heart of most business activities. Whether working on a marketing campaign, developing a new product, or strategising for growth, the people you collaborate with will shape the outcomes. Effective collaboration requires trust, respect, and a willingness to share ideas openly.

When you work with high-performing teams, you’re likely to experience a boost in your own performance. High standards, mutual accountability, and collective ambition create an environment where everyone strives to excel. This isn’t just about competition; it’s about a shared commitment to achieving the best possible results.

The impact of negative influences

It’s important to acknowledge that influence can be both positive and negative. Negative influences in the workplace can come from toxic colleagues, poor leadership, or an unhealthy organisational culture. These influences can sap your motivation, lower your productivity, and increase stress levels.

For instance, working in an environment where gossip and backstabbing are common can erode trust and morale. Similarly, if you’re constantly exposed to negative attitudes and pessimism, it can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook and stay focused on your goals.

Shaping your professional identity

The people you spend time with also play a significant role in shaping your professional identity. Your colleagues, mentors, and peers contribute to how you see yourself as a professional. This identity is crucial because it influences your confidence, decision-making, and overall career trajectory.

For example, being part of a team that values creativity and innovation can reinforce your own creative skills and encourage you to take risks. On the other hand, if you’re surrounded by individuals who prioritise conformity and discourage new ideas, you might find yourself suppressing your creative impulses.

Strategic networking

Given the significant impact that others have on our professional lives, it’s essential to be strategic about the relationships we cultivate. Networking should not be about collecting as many contacts as possible but about building meaningful relationships with people who inspire, challenge, and support you.

Seek out individuals who are not just successful but also align with your values and aspirations. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and participate in online communities where you can connect with like-minded professionals. Be proactive in nurturing these relationships by offering support, sharing knowledge, and collaborating on projects. 

Learning and development

Continuous learning is a cornerstone of success in any field. The people you spend time with can be a rich source of learning opportunities. Engaging with experts, attending workshops, and participating in discussions can broaden your knowledge and keep you updated on industry trends.

For example, being part of a mastermind group where members regularly share insights and challenges can accelerate your learning curve. The collective wisdom and diverse perspectives within such groups can provide you with new ideas and solutions that you might not have considered on your own.

Final thoughts

The influence of the people we spend time with cannot be overstated. From mentorship and collaboration to professional networks and strategic relationships, these influences shape our behaviours, attitudes, and ultimately, our success.

The right influences can propel careers forward and yet negative environments can hinder growth. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely, and let their influence elevate you.